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convert a nine digit number to base 32

  1. #1

    convert a nine digit number to base 32

    anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?

    change "347472963" to "abc123"

    I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    but Im stuck going to other way.

    Thanks to any help in advance.


  2. #2
    Myrna Larson

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    Here's some VBA code. The input must be a decimal number. The new base must be
    between 2 and 36.

    Several routines have been posted in the past by Harlan Grove, Ron Rosenfeld,
    and myself, perhaps others. You should find code that will convert a
    non-decimal number to some other base, 10 or otherwise.

    Google can find the code for you.

    But 347472963 is 14B60443 in hex. Conversely, ABC123 is 11256099 in decimal.

    Function ConvertBase(ByVal lValue As Variant, iBase As Integer) _
    As String
    'convert a base-10 number to a new base
    'will handle an integer with 15 decimal sDigits, which is the
    'limit of precision for a double
    Const sDigits = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    Const MaxLen = 56
    Dim IsNeg As Boolean
    Dim sNumber As String
    Dim p As Integer
    Dim iDigit As Integer
    Dim PrevValue As Variant

    'Trap base value errors
    If (iBase > 36) Or (iBase < 2) Then Exit Function

    IsNeg = False
    If lValue < 0 Then
    IsNeg = True
    lValue = -lValue
    End If

    sNumber = String$(MaxLen, "0")
    p = MaxLen + 1

    Do While lValue > 0
    PrevValue = lValue
    lValue = Int(lValue / iBase)
    iDigit = PrevValue - lValue * iBase
    p = p - 1
    If iDigit Then Mid$(sNumber, p, 1) = Mid$(sDigits, iDigit, 1)

    If p > MaxLen Then p = p - 1

    If IsNeg Then
    p = p - 1
    Mid$(sNumber, p, 1) = "-"
    End If

    ConvertBase = Mid$(sNumber, p)
    End Function 'ConvertBase

    On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:51:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?
    >change "347472963" to "abc123"
    >I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    >using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    >but Im stuck going to other way.
    >Thanks to any help in advance.

  3. #3
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:51:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?
    >change "347472963" to "abc123"
    >I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    >using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    >but Im stuck going to other way.
    >Thanks to any help in advance.

    Test: Ignore

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:51:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?
    >change "347472963" to "abc123"
    >I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    >using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    >but Im stuck going to other way.
    >Thanks to any help in advance.

    Here is some code that should convert between bases (and will also handle
    fractional numbers). But I've used capital letters for up to base 37 and small
    letters for higher bases. So 347472963 under this scheme would convert to
    ABC123. abc123 would be at least a base 39 number and would be, in base 10:

    If you have a version of Excel prior to about 2000, you will have to write (or
    copy from the MS web site), routines for StrReverse, Split, Join which were in
    the later versions of VBA.

    Harlan has also written a version that works by string manipulation.

    Function BaseConvert(Num, FromBase As Integer, _
    ToBase As Integer, Optional DecPlace As Long) _
    As String

    'by Ron Rosenfeld

    Dim LDI As Integer 'Leading Digit Index
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim Temp, Temp2
    Dim Digits()
    Dim r
    Dim DecSep As String

    DecSep = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)

    On Error GoTo HANDLER

    If FromBase > 62 Or ToBase > 62 _
    Or FromBase < 2 Or ToBase < 2 Then
    BaseConvert = "Base out of range"
    Exit Function
    End If

    If InStr(1, Num, "E") And FromBase = 10 Then
    Num = CDec(Num)
    End If

    'Convert to Base 10
    LDI = InStr(1, Num, DecSep) - 2
    If LDI = -2 Then LDI = Len(Num) - 1

    j = LDI

    Temp = Replace(Num, DecSep, "")
    For i = 1 To Len(Temp)
    Temp2 = Mid(Temp, i, 1)
    Select Case Temp2
    Case "A" To "Z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 55
    Case "a" To "z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 61
    End Select
    If Temp2 >= FromBase Then
    BaseConvert = "Invalid Digit"
    Exit Function
    End If
    r = CDec(r + Temp2 * FromBase ^ j)
    j = j - 1
    Next i

    If r <> 0 Then LDI = Fix(CDec(Log(r) / Log(ToBase)))
    If r < 1 Then LDI = 0

    ReDim Digits(LDI)

    For i = UBound(Digits) To 0 Step -1
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ i))
    r = CDbl(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i

    Temp = StrReverse(Join(Digits, "")) 'Integer portion
    ReDim Digits(DecPlace)

    If r <> 0 Then
    Digits(0) = DecSep
    For i = 1 To UBound(Digits)
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ -i))
    r = CDec(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ -i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i
    End If

    BaseConvert = Temp & Join(Digits, "")

    Exit Function
    HANDLER: MsgBox ("Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & vbLf & _
    "Number being converted: " & Num)

    End Function


  5. #5
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:51:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?
    >change "347472963" to "abc123"
    >I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    >using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    >but Im stuck going to other way.
    >Thanks to any help in advance.

    Here is some code that should convert between bases (and will also handle
    fractional numbers). But I've used capital letters for up to base 37 and small
    letters for higher bases. So 347472963 under this scheme would convert to
    ABC123. abc123 would be at least a base 39 number and would be, in base 10:

    If you have a version of Excel prior to about 2000, you will have to write (or
    copy from the MS web site), routines for StrReverse, Split, Join which were in
    the later versions of VBA.

    Harlan has also written a version that works by string manipulation.

    Function BaseConvert(Num, FromBase As Integer, _
    ToBase As Integer, Optional DecPlace As Long) _
    As String

    'by Ron Rosenfeld

    Dim LDI As Integer 'Leading Digit Index
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim Temp, Temp2
    Dim Digits()
    Dim r
    Dim DecSep As String

    DecSep = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)

    On Error GoTo HANDLER

    If FromBase > 62 Or ToBase > 62 _
    Or FromBase < 2 Or ToBase < 2 Then
    BaseConvert = "Base out of range"
    Exit Function
    End If

    If InStr(1, Num, "E") And FromBase = 10 Then
    Num = CDec(Num)
    End If

    'Convert to Base 10
    LDI = InStr(1, Num, DecSep) - 2
    If LDI = -2 Then LDI = Len(Num) - 1

    j = LDI

    Temp = Replace(Num, DecSep, "")
    For i = 1 To Len(Temp)
    Temp2 = Mid(Temp, i, 1)
    Select Case Temp2
    Case "A" To "Z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 55
    Case "a" To "z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 61
    End Select
    If Temp2 >= FromBase Then
    BaseConvert = "Invalid Digit"
    Exit Function
    End If
    r = CDec(r + Temp2 * FromBase ^ j)
    j = j - 1
    Next i

    If r <> 0 Then LDI = Fix(CDec(Log(r) / Log(ToBase)))
    If r < 1 Then LDI = 0

    ReDim Digits(LDI)

    For i = UBound(Digits) To 0 Step -1
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ i))
    r = CDbl(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i

    Temp = StrReverse(Join(Digits, "")) 'Integer portion
    ReDim Digits(DecPlace)

    If r <> 0 Then
    Digits(0) = DecSep
    For i = 1 To UBound(Digits)
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ -i))
    r = CDec(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ -i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i
    End If

    BaseConvert = Temp & Join(Digits, "")

    Exit Function
    HANDLER: MsgBox ("Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & vbLf & _
    "Number being converted: " & Num)

    End Function


  6. #6

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:51:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >anyone know how to change a nine digit number into a base 32 number?
    >change "347472963" to "abc123"
    >I have found away to convert a 6 charactor base 32 string to decimal
    >using a VLOOkup to change the alpha charactor to decimal.
    >but Im stuck going to other way.
    >Thanks to any help in advance.

    I'm not sure how to use the visual basic
    code. Could someone "splane" to me
    what to do with it?

    Thanks again


  7. #7
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 20:50:57 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I'm not sure how to use the visual basic
    >code. Could someone "splane" to me
    >what to do with it?
    >Thanks again

    Open Excel.

    <alt><F11> opens the VB Editor.

    Ensure your project is highlighted in the Project Explorer window.

    Then (form the VBE main menu), Insert/Module. Paste the code into the window
    that opens.

    If you are using my routine, you have just installed a UDF (user defined

    You can use this function like any other in your worksheet. For example, with
    your number in A1, in some cell type

    =BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32) and the number in A1 will be shown to Base 32 in this

    You may also use cell references in place of the 10 and the 32 for more
    flexibility. If you have a fractional portion of a number to be converted,
    then you can use the optional DecPlace argument to indicate the number of


  8. #8

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 17:41:35 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >=BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32

    Hmm mm.... I just get a #NAME? error

    cell A1 has 123456 and cell B1 has =BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32)

    outcome in B1 is #NAME?

    Excel 2003, security medium, OK ed macro to run on startup.

    allmost there ;-)


  9. #9
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:53:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 17:41:35 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    ><[email protected]> wrote:
    >>=BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32

    >Hmm mm.... I just get a #NAME? error
    >cell A1 has 123456 and cell B1 has =BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32)
    >outcome in B1 is #NAME?
    >Excel 2003, security medium, OK ed macro to run on startup.
    >allmost there ;-)

    I guess you don't have the BaseConvert routine in the correct spot.

    After you open the VB Editor, in the Project Explorer window, you should see a
    bunch of unexpanded entries, along with an expanded entry that looks something

    VBAProject (Book2)
    Microsoft Excel Objects
    Sheet1 (Sheet1)

    (Book2) might be, instead, the name of your workbook; same with (Sheet1) might
    be the name of your worksheet.

    After you select Insert/Module, the same project should look like:

    VBAProject (Book2)
    Microsoft Excel Objects
    Sheet1 (Sheet1)

    Double click on Module1 to ensure that the correct window is open. Then paste
    in the BaseConvert code from my previous post.


  10. #10

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    Well Ron......

    You DA Man!

    and I thank you for your help.

    Do you have any VBA for base 32 to Decimal?
    The formulas I wrote to do that seem quite
    archaic compared to the VBA.

    Thanks again

    On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 21:23:54 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:53:35 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 17:41:35 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    >><[email protected]> wrote:
    >>>=BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32

    >>Hmm mm.... I just get a #NAME? error
    >>cell A1 has 123456 and cell B1 has =BaseConvert(A1, 10, 32)
    >>outcome in B1 is #NAME?
    >>Excel 2003, security medium, OK ed macro to run on startup.
    >>allmost there ;-)

    >I guess you don't have the BaseConvert routine in the correct spot.
    >After you open the VB Editor, in the Project Explorer window, you should see a
    >bunch of unexpanded entries, along with an expanded entry that looks something
    >VBAProject (Book2)
    > Microsoft Excel Objects
    > Sheet1 (Sheet1)
    > ThisWorkbook
    >(Book2) might be, instead, the name of your workbook; same with (Sheet1) might
    >be the name of your worksheet.
    >After you select Insert/Module, the same project should look like:
    >VBAProject (Book2)
    > Microsoft Excel Objects
    > Sheet1 (Sheet1)
    > ThisWorkbook
    > Modules
    > Module1
    >Double click on Module1 to ensure that the correct window is open. Then paste
    >in the BaseConvert code from my previous post.

  11. #11
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 04:59:22 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Well Ron......
    >You DA Man!
    >and I thank you for your help.
    >Do you have any VBA for base 32 to Decimal?
    >The formulas I wrote to do that seem quite
    >archaic compared to the VBA.
    >Thanks again


    Look closely at the code for my BaseConvert Routine:

    Function BaseConvert(Num, FromBase As Integer, _
    ToBase As Integer, Optional DecPlace As Long) _
    As String

    Num is the number you are converting

    FromBase is the base from which you are converting (or the base of Num)

    ToBase is the base to which you wish to convert.

    DecPlace is an optional argument to use if you want a fractional part in the

    So you would just rewrite your worksheet function as:

    =BaseConvert(A1, 32, 10)

    Note that you could have the bases in cell references also, for flexibility:

    A1: number to be converted
    A2: Base of number in A1
    A3: Base of result

    =BaseConvert(A1, A2, A3)

    and so forth.


  12. #12

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    I tryed the =BaseConvert(A1, 32, 10)
    but the outcome shows "invalid digit"
    any time an alpha character is used.
    I works fine on all numerical numbers.

    On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 04:17:01 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >=BaseConvert(A1, 32, 10)

  13. #13
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:18:51 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I tryed the =BaseConvert(A1, 32, 10)
    >but the outcome shows "invalid digit"
    >any time an alpha character is used.
    >I works fine on all numerical numbers.

    What exactly is the formula and values that gave you that result?

    The formula will show "invalid digit" if any character is not defined in the
    base from which you are converting.


  14. #14

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    I got it now...
    (Did not use Cap Letters)

    Man this is Awsome!

    Thanks for all you help!


    On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 11:52:35 -0500, Ron Rosenfeld
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:18:51 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>I tryed the =BaseConvert(A1, 32, 10)
    >>but the outcome shows "invalid digit"
    >>any time an alpha character is used.
    >>I works fine on all numerical numbers.

    >What exactly is the formula and values that gave you that result?
    >The formula will show "invalid digit" if any character is not defined in the
    >base from which you are converting.

  15. #15
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: convert a nine digit number to base 32

    On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 01:00:13 GMT, Wildman <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I got it now...
    >(Did not use Cap Letters)
    >Man this is Awsome!
    >Thanks for all you help!

    You're welcome. I'm glad you got it working for you.


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