Hello, All!
I think this 'problem' requires a pretty simple solution; I just don't know what!
Say you've got 2 worksheets, one w/ 50 rows and 6 columns all relating to employee data (e.g., col headings like 'employee name', 'date of hire', 'hair color', and 3 other cols), and then a much longer sheet, with 500 rows, and 7 columns relating to employee data--6 of those cols being the same headings as the much-smaller sheet, but in addition the larger "master" sheet also has a column called "employee I.D. number", containing unique number-values.
Also: All the employees on small sheet are included w/in the large one....
What I'm trying to do is: "Intersect" the employees' data from the small sheet with the same records from the large sheet and include that 7th column w/ I.D. #'s, and form a 3rd sheet from that data. In other words, the new/created worksheet would be identical to the original small sheet, with the addition of the one additional column w/ the correct/corresponding I.D. number.
Would I use some kind of filter to do this? or worksheet consolidation?
Thanks much in advance for your time & attention to detail [:-)

terry b.