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Return Multiple Results with Lookup

  1. #1
    Josh O.

    Return Multiple Results with Lookup

    I need to set a worksheet to pull numbers from another worksheet.
    The first problem is multiple values. I need the spreadsheet (sheet 2 to
    list all of the invoice numbers based on a single customer number, pulling
    the data from another spreadsheet (sheet 1).

    Second, it would be helpful if the spreadsheet (sheet 2) can pull all the
    customer numbers that appear on the original spreadsheet (sheet 1).

    I tried using Alan Beban's "vlookups" to return multiple values, but I can't
    figure out how to get the formula to return the multiple values into sheet 2.

    I would appreciates some more ideas or suggestions

  2. #2
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Return Multiple Results with Lookup

    Josh O. wrote...
    >I would appreciates some more ideas or suggestions

    Stay in your original thread.

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