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Count occurances of multiple values

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  1. #1

    Count occurances of multiple values

    I am trying to analyze a list of baseball teams and the number of players
    they have at each position. For example, I have two columns that I am
    working with: column 1 is the team name, and column 2 is the position. So,
    my datasheet looks like this:
    Team Position
    Bears 1B
    Bears 1B
    Bears 1B
    Bears 2B
    Bears SS
    Lions 1B
    Lions Catcher
    Lions SS
    Lions P

    I want to count how many times the string "1B" appears for the team,
    "Bears". I'm using the formula example from Office Online
    But it returns a value of zero... as you can see, it should return a value
    of "3". Any thoughts?


  2. #2

    Count occurances of multiple values


    That formula will work but it's an array formula. When you
    type it in instead of just hitting ENTER, you have to use
    the key combo of CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER.

    Use this formula instead, normally entered:


    Or, even better:

    In cell C1 enter the team name you're interested in. In
    cell D1 enter the position you're interested in:

    C1 = Bears
    D1 = 1B



    >-----Original Message-----
    >I am trying to analyze a list of baseball teams and the

    number of players
    >they have at each position. For example, I have two

    columns that I am
    >working with: column 1 is the team name, and column 2 is

    the position. So,
    >my datasheet looks like this:
    >Team Position
    >Bears 1B
    >Bears 1B
    >Bears 1B
    >Bears 2B
    >Bears SS
    >Lions 1B
    >Lions Catcher
    >Lions SS
    >Lions P
    >I want to count how many times the string "1B" appears

    for the team,
    >"Bears". I'm using the formula example from Office


    >But it returns a value of zero... as you can see, it

    should return a value
    >of "3". Any thoughts?

  3. #3

    RE: Count occurances of multiple values

    Thanks, Biff. The SUMPRODUCT worked like a champ. I did use the
    CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER on my original formula, but got a #num error. I had
    forgotten about that when I posted my question. Oh well, I now have what I
    need... Thanks, again.


    "Biff" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > That formula will work but it's an array formula. When you
    > type it in instead of just hitting ENTER, you have to use
    > the key combo of CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER.
    > Use this formula instead, normally entered:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A9="Bears"),--(B2:B9="1B"))
    > Or, even better:
    > In cell C1 enter the team name you're interested in. In
    > cell D1 enter the position you're interested in:
    > C1 = Bears
    > D1 = 1B
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A9=C1),--(B2:B9=D1))
    > Biff
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >I am trying to analyze a list of baseball teams and the

    > number of players
    > >they have at each position. For example, I have two

    > columns that I am
    > >working with: column 1 is the team name, and column 2 is

    > the position. So,
    > >my datasheet looks like this:
    > >Team Position
    > >Bears 1B
    > >Bears 1B
    > >Bears 1B
    > >Bears 2B
    > >Bears SS
    > >Lions 1B
    > >Lions Catcher
    > >Lions SS
    > >Lions P
    > >
    > >I want to count how many times the string "1B" appears

    > for the team,
    > >"Bears". I'm using the formula example from Office

    > Online
    > >(http://office.microsoft.com/en-

    > us/assistance/HP030561181033.aspx):
    > >=SUM(IF(A2:A9="Bears",IF(B2:B9="1B",1,0)))
    > >But it returns a value of zero... as you can see, it

    > should return a value
    > >of "3". Any thoughts?
    > >
    > >Jimmy
    > >.
    > >


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