I am trying to use the loan calculator two times at once, on the same
spreadsheet. In other words, copy the column of cells that the variables are
entered into, (Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Years, Start Date) to a nearby
column and run slightly different numbers, say different interest rate or
different loan amount and be able to quickly compare the results in the lower
portion of both columns (P&I, total interest paid, total of payments, number
of payments), on the same spreadsheet, at the same time

Apparently the "loan calculator" uses IF statements which I do not
understand and cannot figure out. (I must be too old!). When the original
cells are highlighted there is a drop down box on the top left menu bar with
field names that correspond to the cell being entered, like, Loan_Amount, or
Loan_Start, Interest_Rate etc. I only see cell addresses when I highlight the
second, copied column (the second column that I cam trying to run the same
formulas, but using the modified data).

Can anyone understand my problem? Can anyone help?

Thank you
Ron C