Dear all,

I would like to do the following:

Let me first show you my table

(1) 15 10 9
(2) e d e

Row (1) displays scores
Row (2) displays level of difficulty (e=easy, d=difficult)

I would like to make a function that, according to the difficulty
either multiplies the score *1 for easy and *2 for difficult level of

The result would be: 1*15 + 2*10 + 1*9 = 15 + 20 + 9 = 44. This by
itself would not be too hard with an IF-function. However, just
imagine a row that consists of 20 scores and how big the IF function
would be!

Anyone any idea as to how to do it in a faster, more efficient way?

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Cheski Frank, Switzerland