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Shared folder - tabs disappear while saving

  1. #1

    Shared folder - tabs disappear while saving

    Hi guys,

    I've just put on the server a shared excel folder (15 tabs). Every person
    should work on its tab and then, at the end, the work results are
    summarised/analysed in the final tab.

    That's how I did it.
    1. Prepared the folder on my personal drive
    2. Passprotected an important part of cells on every tab
    3. While keeping the file on my personal drive, I've put "protect and share
    workbook" (and, while protecting, I've put another password (=different from
    the password I used to passprotect the sheets)). Then I moved the file on
    the server, where every person can access it.

    Shortly after, one employee told me that after having put his data on his
    sheet he pressed "Save" button and at the same moment his sheet disappeared
    totally. I've checked it with some other persons and it seems that this is a
    general problem. Morover, when I asked excel to show me "Tracking changes
    history", the worksheet on which I was at this moment disappeared also (and
    history didn't show).

    On the summary worksheet, the columns that should resume the data for the
    sheets that "disappeared" show now #REF info.

    Could you pls help me on this?
    Do you have any idea why this happens and how to avoid it?
    Thanks a lot!


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Additional comment...

    Just thought I would add to the chaos, I have a gigantahuge spreadsheet I created for my compnany thats tracks every sales transaction blah blah, Its been in use for a year and a half about, and just recently I had shared the workbook, so my boss and I could work parallel. Well I have a sheet for every months plus a sheet for Names and their information. This last Friday, half of the entire document has disappeared, taking the mojority of data neccessary for calculations accross the board, so yeah, the data i DO have is all trash now..... hope someone can advise....

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