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Simple lookup

  1. #1

    Simple lookup

    I want to look at a fixed list of account numbers and check if a given number
    is in that list. I'd prefer to do that without sorting on the list,a dn
    VLOOKUP seems like overkill because I don't need to know any data associated
    with the lookup number, I just need to know if its in the list.


  2. #2

    Re: Simple lookup

    Something like ...

    =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,B1:B10,0)),"Not Found", "Found")

    Enter the above formula into a cell (say C1)
    Enter some text in A1
    If the matching text is found in cells B1 ~ B10, C1 will show "Found"

    "Bill" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    >I want to look at a fixed list of account numbers and check if a given number
    > is in that list. I'd prefer to do that without sorting on the list,a dn
    > VLOOKUP seems like overkill because I don't need to know any data associated
    > with the lookup number, I just need to know if its in the list.
    > Thanks

  3. #3
    John Mansfield

    RE: Simple lookup


    Take a look at Excel's COUNTIF worksheet function in the on-line help.

    For example, this formula returns the number of times the number 6 appears
    in the range C1:C6 . . .


    John Mansfield

    "Bill" wrote:

    > I want to look at a fixed list of account numbers and check if a given number
    > is in that list. I'd prefer to do that without sorting on the list,a dn
    > VLOOKUP seems like overkill because I don't need to know any data associated
    > with the lookup number, I just need to know if its in the list.
    > Thanks

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