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Retrieving a Reference

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  1. #1

    Retrieving a Reference

    Is there a way to retrieve the reference to a Statistical/Math function
    result, rather than the actual result?

    I have a large table (R1150 X C50) with numeric values in each cell. I want
    to put all of the data into numerical order, but retain the name of the
    column each data point came from.

    Let's say the table is at A1:Z1000. I can use the LARGE function to choose
    the nth largest value with LARGE($A$1:$Z$1000,n). Make "n" a reference to a
    series in an adjoining column, and it is easy to create a one-dimensional
    list of the top n values. However, there is no way to associate each value
    back to the table for the purpose of finding the column it came from.
    Neither VLOOKUP nor HLOOKUP will work, since the value could come from any
    column or row in the 2D table.

    It seems that if LARGE goes out there and evaluates all of the datapoints to
    determine the nth largest, it ought to be able to tell me where it got that
    datapoint from.

    So, is there a way to extract the reference rather than the result from a
    function like "LARGE"? (this would also apply to any function that singles
    out a specific value from an array, such as "MIN", "MAX"; but not calculation
    functions like "AVERAGE").

  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    Re: Retrieving a Reference

    Assume you have a table A1:E10 and you want the 2nd largest value


    this formula will return the cell reference that holds the 2nd largest value


    it needs to be entered with

    ctrl + shift & enter

    note that if there are multiple 2nd largest values it will return the first
    occurrence counted from

    also note that if you use for instance a table like B3:F20 then the index
    part should be

    INDEX(A1:F20 or else you have to offset the rows/columns since ROW and
    COLUMN always will start from first row/column


    Peo Sjoblom

    "automandc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is there a way to retrieve the reference to a Statistical/Math function
    > result, rather than the actual result?
    > I have a large table (R1150 X C50) with numeric values in each cell. I
    > want
    > to put all of the data into numerical order, but retain the name of the
    > column each data point came from.
    > Let's say the table is at A1:Z1000. I can use the LARGE function to
    > choose
    > the nth largest value with LARGE($A$1:$Z$1000,n). Make "n" a reference to
    > a
    > series in an adjoining column, and it is easy to create a one-dimensional
    > list of the top n values. However, there is no way to associate each
    > value
    > back to the table for the purpose of finding the column it came from.
    > Neither VLOOKUP nor HLOOKUP will work, since the value could come from any
    > column or row in the 2D table.
    > It seems that if LARGE goes out there and evaluates all of the datapoints
    > to
    > determine the nth largest, it ought to be able to tell me where it got
    > that
    > datapoint from.
    > So, is there a way to extract the reference rather than the result from a
    > function like "LARGE"? (this would also apply to any function that
    > singles
    > out a specific value from an array, such as "MIN", "MAX"; but not
    > calculation
    > functions like "AVERAGE").

  3. #3
    David McRitchie

    Re: Retrieving a Reference

    See use of MATCH Worksheet Function in
    David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
    My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
    Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

    "automandc" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Is there a way to retrieve the reference to a Statistical/Math function
    > result, rather than the actual result?
    > I have a large table (R1150 X C50) with numeric values in each cell. I want
    > to put all of the data into numerical order, but retain the name of the
    > column each data point came from.
    > Let's say the table is at A1:Z1000. I can use the LARGE function to choose
    > the nth largest value with LARGE($A$1:$Z$1000,n). Make "n" a reference to a
    > series in an adjoining column, and it is easy to create a one-dimensional
    > list of the top n values. However, there is no way to associate each value
    > back to the table for the purpose of finding the column it came from.
    > Neither VLOOKUP nor HLOOKUP will work, since the value could come from any
    > column or row in the 2D table.
    > It seems that if LARGE goes out there and evaluates all of the datapoints to
    > determine the nth largest, it ought to be able to tell me where it got that
    > datapoint from.
    > So, is there a way to extract the reference rather than the result from a
    > function like "LARGE"? (this would also apply to any function that singles
    > out a specific value from an array, such as "MIN", "MAX"; but not calculation
    > functions like "AVERAGE").

  4. #4
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Retrieving a Reference

    "automandc" <[email protected]> wrote...
    >I have a large table (R1150 X C50) with numeric values in each cell. I

    >to put all of the data into numerical order, but retain the name of the
    >column each data point came from.


    50 * 1150 = 57500, so not a problem fitting all observations into separate
    rows in one worksheet.

    Simplest way I can think of is naming your original data range Data, then
    extracting it into 2 colums (original column letter in first column, data
    value in sedond column), coverting formulas to values, then sorting the

    If the top-left cell of the extract range were X5, enter the following



    Fill X5:Y5 down into X6:Y57504. Select X5:Y57504, Edit > Copy, Edit > Paste
    Special as values, Data > Sort on column Y in descending order. You should
    have the data values in col Y sorted in descending order and their original
    column letters in the same row in col X.

  5. #5

    RE: Retrieving a Reference

    Thanks to all who responded so far. Each of your proposed solutions offers
    promise, and I will use them to build a final solution.

    Peo's solution is the most on-point (actually finding the address of the
    resulting cell), but it is so bulky that I fear it will seriously choke in a
    sheet with 50,000+ instances of the formula. He also points up the problem
    with using "LARGE": failure to properly handle identical values.

    The info on David's page is great, and will help me solve a lot of problems
    I run across when tinkering in Excel.

    Harlan's solution is perhaps less elegant (no offense), but it is what I am
    currently doing -- only I've been doing it manually with cut-and-paste to put
    the data into one column. (First I create a second set of columns that
    contain a string of the data point cat'ed with the header description, then
    seperate them back into two separate columns after combining into a single
    column list). Harlan's method will allow me to programatically create the
    unified list I am currently doing manually and skip the step of
    double-conversion. Of course, it has the drawback of quickly running up
    against the 65K row limit for tables that get big.

    It would ultimately be nice if you could do something like this:


    and get a pointer to the result (e.g. a reference), instead of having word
    actually resolve the result. This would be kind of like a reverse-INDIRECT

    Sometimes I really wish there was a way to do loops directly in the
    worksheets (like a FOR..NEXT loop), and have it fill in a range with the

    Anyway, thanks again everyone -- the MSDN forums always come through for me.


    "automandc" wrote:

    > Is there a way to retrieve the reference to a Statistical/Math function
    > result, rather than the actual result?
    > I have a large table (R1150 X C50) with numeric values in each cell. I want
    > to put all of the data into numerical order, but retain the name of the
    > column each data point came from.
    > Let's say the table is at A1:Z1000. I can use the LARGE function to choose
    > the nth largest value with LARGE($A$1:$Z$1000,n). Make "n" a reference to a
    > series in an adjoining column, and it is easy to create a one-dimensional
    > list of the top n values. However, there is no way to associate each value
    > back to the table for the purpose of finding the column it came from.
    > Neither VLOOKUP nor HLOOKUP will work, since the value could come from any
    > column or row in the 2D table.
    > It seems that if LARGE goes out there and evaluates all of the datapoints to
    > determine the nth largest, it ought to be able to tell me where it got that
    > datapoint from.
    > So, is there a way to extract the reference rather than the result from a
    > function like "LARGE"? (this would also apply to any function that singles
    > out a specific value from an array, such as "MIN", "MAX"; but not calculation
    > functions like "AVERAGE").

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