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Undo a array

  1. #1
    Scott Calkins via OfficeKB.com

    Undo a array

    OK I did a big stuped. I was trying to save a bit of time in going to each
    cell and converting it to a array by using thr ctrl-shift-enter. Not
    thinking I decided to save some time and highlight a section of cells then
    use the ctrl-shift-enter. After figuring out my blunder I went in to
    change the cells back to the correct formula, but get the "cannot change a
    array" error. How do I turn off the array on these blocks of cells?

    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  2. #2

    Re: Undo a array


    Here's one way.

    Select the range of array formulas.

    In the formula bar precede the formula with an apostrophe to convert the
    formula to text. Hit CTRL ENTER.

    That will "break" the array but now you have to remove the apostrophe from
    each individual formula to convert them back to formulas.


    "Scott Calkins via OfficeKB.com" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > OK I did a big stuped. I was trying to save a bit of time in going to
    > each
    > cell and converting it to a array by using thr ctrl-shift-enter. Not
    > thinking I decided to save some time and highlight a section of cells then
    > use the ctrl-shift-enter. After figuring out my blunder I went in to
    > change the cells back to the correct formula, but get the "cannot change a
    > array" error. How do I turn off the array on these blocks of cells?
    > --
    > Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  3. #3
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Undo a array

    "Biff" <[email protected]> wrote...
    >Here's one way.
    >Select the range of array formulas.
    >In the formula bar precede the formula with an apostrophe to convert the
    >formula to text. Hit CTRL ENTER.
    >That will "break" the array but now you have to remove the apostrophe from
    >each individual formula to convert them back to formulas.


    There's a slightly quicker way. If the entire array has been selected, press
    [F2] and [Ctrl]+[Enter] in sequence. All the cells should now be separately
    entered as nonarrays. Unfortunately, all the original formulas are lost
    aside from the cell in which the array entry was first made.

  4. #4
    Scott Calkins via OfficeKB.com

    Re: Undo a array

    Thanks, that did the job.

    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

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