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Identifying Overlapping Dates within a range

  1. #1

    Identifying Overlapping Dates within a range

    I'm currently trying to figure out how - and IF - Excel has a function that
    will identify overlapping dates when only the Start and End Date is provided.

    Basicallly, the sheet has 12 areas that we can enter previous work
    experience, and we enter the Start and End date. What I need to figure out,
    is how to make the spreadsheet identify dates from the 12 ranges and exclude
    all overlapping months.

    For example:

    I have one date range from March 2003 to May 2004, a second from January
    2002 to May 2003, and a third from February 2004 to May 2005.

    I need to find a way to automatically identify that March-until-May 2003
    there's an overlap, and from February-until-May 2004 there's an overlap.

    2 questions really:

    Can this be done? And, if so, how or using what function?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Re: Identifying Overlapping Dates within a range


    >Can this be done? And, if so, how or using what function?

    Yes, it can be done but it's not a very elegant solution. It's not very
    complicated, however, trying to explain all the steps necessary without
    causing mass confusion is probably impossible. If you want to contact me
    I'll send you a sample file that does what you want. I'm at:

    xl "can" help at comcast period net

    Get rid of the quoted stuff and change the obvious.


    "Tremain" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm currently trying to figure out how - and IF - Excel has a function
    > that
    > will identify overlapping dates when only the Start and End Date is
    > provided.
    > Basicallly, the sheet has 12 areas that we can enter previous work
    > experience, and we enter the Start and End date. What I need to figure
    > out,
    > is how to make the spreadsheet identify dates from the 12 ranges and
    > exclude
    > all overlapping months.
    > For example:
    > I have one date range from March 2003 to May 2004, a second from January
    > 2002 to May 2003, and a third from February 2004 to May 2005.
    > I need to find a way to automatically identify that March-until-May 2003
    > there's an overlap, and from February-until-May 2004 there's an overlap.
    > 2 questions really:
    > Can this be done? And, if so, how or using what function?
    > Thanks in advance

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