Hello Harlan,
Let's say the Worksheet is called "Numbers" and I wanted the information
on a separate sheet called "String" and start with row B1 and continue to B2,
B3, B4, etc.

So it would look like:
6 002 015 102 034 008 048 076

Would the formula look like:

Where A6 is the equal of v and the location "Numbers!A1:C5" is equal to Tbl?

Thank you for your assistance.

David wrote...
>I have a column of numbers such as
> A B C
>1 002 015 102
>2 034 002 008
>3 015 048 120
>4 076 005 008
>5 002 048 076


I'll assume this table is named Tbl.

>So if I put 002. I would get a return of 015, 102, 034, 008, 048, 076.
>If I did 015 I would get a return of 002, 102, 048, 120.


If you enter the number to match in a cell named v, then you could use
the following array formula with the first result in cell E1.

E1 [array formula]:

Fill right as far as needed.