I have three columns. One containing a "value" taken from a list, another an amount and the third column contains a date.

What I need to do is for a particular value, find out the sum of all the amounts for a particular month.

This is the formula I have written but the sum is not being calculated for the particular date range.

Column D Column E Column F
15 March, 2005 23344 UK Perdiem
17 March, 2005 739874 UK Perdiem

=SUMPRODUCT((F5:F150)*(I5:I150="UK Perdiem")*(D5:D150>= "15 March, 2005" & D5:D150<= "31 March, 2005"))

The value shows 0 but if I remove the date calculation it works fine.

Can anybody please help me with the formula?

Thanks in advance