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Function or formula needed

  1. #1

    Function or formula needed

    First off, I'm using Office 97 and am very non-Excel oriented, so please be
    patient with me and talk to me like I'm two.

    I have a workbook and in this workbook I have several worksheets, two of
    which are named Clients and Coordinators.The Clients worksheet contains
    normal database info such as name, address, zip etc. The Coordinator
    worksheet has the Coordinator's name and zip.

    What I need is a column in Clients to match the client's zip with the
    Coordinator's zip and enter the name of the matching Coordinator
    automatically. The coordinators will change every now and then, if that
    matters. The zips shouldn't, but with the government who knows?

    So using this as an example:
    Clients worksheet column A is client name, column I is the zip code, and
    column R is where I want the coordinators name that is looked up on the
    Coordinators worksheet. Coordinators worksheet column A is the coordinators
    name and column B is the zip code, which should match the Clients worksheet
    zip code.

    Any help is appreciated in advance. I hope I explained this properly.


  2. #2
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Function or formula needed

    Assuming you have column headings in row1, put this formula in cell R2 on the
    Clients sheet and copy down:


    That formula should find the zipcode on the Coordinator sheet that matches
    the Client zipcode and return the Coordinator name.

    If 1000 rows is not enough, adjust the ranges to suit your situation.

    Does that help?

  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Function or formula needed

    R2: =INDEX(Coordinators!A1:A1000,MATCH(I2,Coordinators!B1:B1000,0))


    Bob Phillips

    "CindyH" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > First off, I'm using Office 97 and am very non-Excel oriented, so please

    > patient with me and talk to me like I'm two.
    > I have a workbook and in this workbook I have several worksheets, two of
    > which are named Clients and Coordinators.The Clients worksheet contains
    > normal database info such as name, address, zip etc. The Coordinator
    > worksheet has the Coordinator's name and zip.
    > What I need is a column in Clients to match the client's zip with the
    > Coordinator's zip and enter the name of the matching Coordinator
    > automatically. The coordinators will change every now and then, if that
    > matters. The zips shouldn't, but with the government who knows?
    > So using this as an example:
    > Clients worksheet column A is client name, column I is the zip code, and
    > column R is where I want the coordinators name that is looked up on the
    > Coordinators worksheet. Coordinators worksheet column A is the

    > name and column B is the zip code, which should match the Clients

    > zip code.
    > Any help is appreciated in advance. I hope I explained this properly.
    > Cindy

  4. #4

    Re: Function or formula needed

    > --
    > HTH

    It does, thank you so much!


  5. #5

    Re: Function or formula needed

    > Does that help?
    Absolutely! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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