I have a speadsheet (TICKETS) the has the following list from cells

ticket ticket ticket customer product amount
date time number id id


On another sheet (INVOICE) if I enter in cell a1 a starting date, and
in cell b1 a finishing date.

1) Can I make a drop down list that will show me a summary ofall
customers in my list of tickets, between the starting and finishing
(there may be 1000 tickets, but only 100 different customers. and the
ticket list may be for the year but I only want a certian month).

2) Once I choose a customer from the summary list can I then have it
show me in a scroll window, or drop down list, all the tickets from
the chossen customer within the specified time frame?

3) Now I want to create a command button that does two thing.

a) Can I save certian information to a third sheet (HISTORY)?.
(ie. start date,finishing date, cusomer id, invoice number)

b) And can I print the invoice with a premade header and
footer file?.

4) I also need my (INVOICE) sheet to create a new invoice number using
the last number saved in the (HISTORY)?

Can any or all of this be done, and how?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
