I am bringing in data from multiple worksheets.

When I copy/paste this formula into a cell, it requires me to find the file
through Open File dialog, select and open that file to refresh the data. This
happens with 75% of the cells needing this formula.

=+'c:\lowtest\A.0\[LowTest_A005.xls]Select Parts'!$B$1

When I copy paste this formula into a cell, it returns me to the cell. This
happens with the other 25% of the cells.

=+'c:\lowtest\B.0\[LowTest_B006.xls]Select Parts'!$B$1

The second method is much easier and perferrable. What can I do so when I
copy/paste the remaining formulas using the second method? The worksheet has
Automatic Calculation turned on.
Thanks in advance.