hi all
i've had a look through all the other threads but haven't bee able to find
the solution i'm looking for, basically i have a column which has a numeric
value entered (in each row) according to results in other cells. see example

1 l 10
2 l -10
3 l 12
4 l 0
5 l 16
6 l -11
7 l 10
8 l
9 l

i need a funchtion that will average ONLY the last 6 results (a2:a7), this
column will be updated as new results are added, therefore the range that
needs to be averaged will constantly change to so that ONLY the last 6
entries will be averaged.
(a1:a50) will be the max range so cells with no entries (blanK) will need to
be ignored. can anyone help?