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How do I calculated total hours per week

  1. #1

    How do I calculated total hours per week

    I can calculate total hours per day using the formula =C4-B4+(C4<B4) but can
    not get the week total when using a column total =(d2:d9) How do I get this
    weekly total to work for payroll?

  2. #2
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: How do I calculated total hours per week


    Custom format the formula cell as: [h]:mm.

    FrankF wrote:
    > I can calculate total hours per day using the formula =C4-B4+(C4<B4) but can
    > not get the week total when using a column total =(d2:d9) How do I get this
    > weekly total to work for payroll?

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