Hi, I have written a function that searches in a list of units, when it finds
the right unit, it chooses the factor associated with that unit for further
use in my calculations. I have used this function many times, without any
problems (the function is in Norwegian, where HVIS = IF and SLÅ.OPP=LOOKUP:

The unit chosen is in cell J26 in the 'Inputdata' sheet and the function
I've written looks in the sheet 'units!' in cells F36:F41 for the same text.
If it finds it it returns the value (calculation factor I need) in the
corresponding row in the next column (G). This has worked totally fine with
all the units I have tried (e.g. MJ/t, l/t etc.), except when looking for
sets of units beginning with 'kg/'
Is there a reason for this?
is the text 'kg' or 'kg/' unrecognisable by the lookup function?
The units in the list F36:F41 are sorted alphabetically and I have also
asked colleagues to check that I know my alphabet. Apparently I do!

So any tips?

At the moment I'm tempted to just use tonnes as units and make the user type
in 0,5 tonnes instead of 500 kg, but I don't like not understanding why I
can't give them the kg option.