My Q is 2 fold...
#1 - Columns A-F are "normal" columns - Columns G-P are Pivot... would it be
easier to pull data from the pivot data or directly fromt the data sheet to
feed B,C,D,E & F? The person I am generating the workbook doesn't want to
confuse the readers with the data being repeated in the latter columns.

#2 -

Column B=Open Target Amount C=Closed Actual Amount E=60 day status
F=30 day status

Column N= 60 Day Quote Due O=30 Day Quote Due P=60 Day Quote complete
Q=30 Day Quote complete

Column R=Status S=Expected Amount T=Total Amt (pivot data)

B=if R=open then fill in S
C=if R=closed then fill in S

This is where it gets tricky for me especially - can this be done?

E should reflect the following
if N=0 nothing
if N=1 then pattern
if P has any data Green
if P has no data Red

F should reflect the following
if M=0 nothing
if M=1 then pattern
if Q has any data Green
if Q has no data Red

I deeply appreciate any help!!!
