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Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

  1. #1

    Re: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Try the following formula that need to be confirmed with




    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "opal23k" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.
    > Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high
    > (>=121).
    > I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average score
    > for that group.
    > The logic is something like:
    > Low group: find the average of all the scores that are less than or equal to
    > 79 within N9:N154.
    > Middle group: find the average of all the scores between 80 and 120 within
    > N9:N154.
    > High group: find the average of all the scores higher than or equal to 121
    > within N9:N154.

  2. #2
    David Billigmeier

    RE: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Opal - these formulas will give you what you're after, confirm with

    Low Average:

    Middle Average:

    High Average:

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

    RE: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Thank you David!

    "David Billigmeier" wrote:

    > Opal - these formulas will give you what you're after, confirm with
    > ctrl+shift+enter
    > Low Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154<=79,N9:N154,""))
    > Middle Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(AND(N9:N154>=80,N9:N154<=120),N9:N154,""))
    > High Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154>=121,N9:N154,""))
    > Hope that helps,

  4. #4

    Re: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Thank you Domenic!

    "Domenic" wrote:

    > Try the following formula that need to be confirmed with
    > CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER...
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154<=79,N9:N154))
    > =AVERAGE(IF((N9:N154>=80)*(N9:N154<=120),N9:N154))
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154>=121,N9:N154))
    > Hope this helps!
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > "opal23k" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.
    > >
    > > Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high
    > > (>=121).
    > >
    > > I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average score
    > > for that group.
    > >
    > > The logic is something like:
    > > Low group: find the average of all the scores that are less than or equal to
    > > 79 within N9:N154.
    > > Middle group: find the average of all the scores between 80 and 120 within
    > > N9:N154.
    > > High group: find the average of all the scores higher than or equal to 121
    > > within N9:N154.


  5. #5

    Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.

    Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high

    I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average score
    for that group.

    The logic is something like:
    Low group: find the average of all the scores that are less than or equal to
    79 within N9:N154.
    Middle group: find the average of all the scores between 80 and 120 within
    High group: find the average of all the scores higher than or equal to 121
    within N9:N154.

  6. #6

    Re: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Try the following formula that need to be confirmed with




    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "opal23k" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.
    > Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high
    > (>=121).
    > I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average score
    > for that group.
    > The logic is something like:
    > Low group: find the average of all the scores that are less than or equal to
    > 79 within N9:N154.
    > Middle group: find the average of all the scores between 80 and 120 within
    > N9:N154.
    > High group: find the average of all the scores higher than or equal to 121
    > within N9:N154.

  7. #7
    David Billigmeier

    RE: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Opal - these formulas will give you what you're after, confirm with

    Low Average:

    Middle Average:

    High Average:

    Hope that helps,

  8. #8

    RE: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Thank you David!

    "David Billigmeier" wrote:

    > Opal - these formulas will give you what you're after, confirm with
    > ctrl+shift+enter
    > Low Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154<=79,N9:N154,""))
    > Middle Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(AND(N9:N154>=80,N9:N154<=120),N9:N154,""))
    > High Average:
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154>=121,N9:N154,""))
    > Hope that helps,

  9. #9

    Re: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    Thank you Domenic!

    "Domenic" wrote:

    > Try the following formula that need to be confirmed with
    > CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER...
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154<=79,N9:N154))
    > =AVERAGE(IF((N9:N154>=80)*(N9:N154<=120),N9:N154))
    > =AVERAGE(IF(N9:N154>=121,N9:N154))
    > Hope this helps!
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > "opal23k" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.
    > >
    > > Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high
    > > (>=121).
    > >
    > > I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average score
    > > for that group.
    > >
    > > The logic is something like:
    > > Low group: find the average of all the scores that are less than or equal to
    > > 79 within N9:N154.
    > > Middle group: find the average of all the scores between 80 and 120 within
    > > N9:N154.
    > > High group: find the average of all the scores higher than or equal to 121
    > > within N9:N154.


  10. #10

    Re: Average of numbers within a range meeting certain criteria

    "=?Utf-8?B?b3BhbDIzaw==?=" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]:

    > I have a column of test scores - N9:N154.
    > Scores can be grouped into low (<=79), average (80<=x>=120), and high
    > (>=121).
    > I want to have one formula for each group that will find the average
    > score for that group.

    I do not know where you have room in the sheet; suppose columns to the
    right of N are free.

    When N8 contains the header: Score

    Put this text in P1 - Q1 - R1 - S1: Score

    Put this in P2: <80
    Put this in Q2: >=80
    Put this in R2: <121
    Put this in S2: >=121

    In P10 the formula for Low: =DAVERAGE(N8:N154,"score",P1:P2)
    In P12 the formula for Med: =DAVERAGE(N8:N154,"score",Q1:R2)
    In P14 the formula for Hi: =DAVERAGE(N8:N154,"score",S1:S2)

    This way you see the criteria for the average groups and can easily change

    By making a criteria range across 2 columns and the criteria in the same
    row, you create an AND operator.
    Would you put the criteria in the same column in 2 rows, you'll get an OR


    It is I, DeauDeau
    (Free after monsieur Leclerc in 'Allo, 'allo)

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