Not sure if this is the best way, but what I want to do is have a pricing
form for quotations and output the pricing information to the appropriate
cells with either a US or CDN pricing result.

I haev all the information correct in my workbook, but I find when I want to
change the result, I edit one formula and then drag the rest to reference the
different currency.

What I want to do is put a couple of check boxes or just one if need be in
the first sheet so that if it's a foreign price, you check the box. The
following sheet will then say "=IF(QTY cell is blank, put nothing,put down
the qty*price)" But now I want to add more conditions so that the part that
says "put down the price" is based on a checkbox or option button and tells
the function (if that box is selected, use the price in CELLA, otherwise use
the price from CELLB).

I hope this is clear and any help obviously would be awesome. Thanks in