
how do i use the getpivotdata function? i used the pt to sum up the objects for my categories (ST, Code, Value).


=GETPIVOTDATA("sum of objects",$A$4,"ST",M4,"Code","1","Value","True")

ST = state
M4 = first state in another list
Code = name of field
1 = Code 1
Value = name of another field
True = the value, either true or false

in M4, i have AK for alaska, and continuing on down the sheet, i have the rest of the states in alphabetical order (so AL, AR, AZ, etc.), so it looks like:


basically, i want the cell N4 to be the number of objects for AK, where the value is taken from the pt, where the state is AK, where the Code number is 1, and where the value is true.

i know the formula i used doesn't work. is there a way i can get this to work so that it automatically looks up the state and puts in the value (like a beefed up vlookup)?
