I am using the lookup function to find similar values in two different
columns and am able to get the desired results. However when I want to bring
the value of a third column in to match the results of my lookup matched
column I can not make that work. I have tried to nest functions (offset,
lookup, if), any suggestions.
1 810410 810410 810410 443 443
2 810413 810413 810413 1243 1243
3 910200 910200 910200 0 0
4 920311 910300 920311 0 40984
5 920353 920311 0 40984 NA
Column A represents the values needed, Column B represents the values
available, Column C represents the values that were matched using LOOKUP,
column D represents the values tied to the original column B available
values. I need a formula to create a column E that will line up the column D
values with the column A values as shown above.

Thanks, Al