I have a list of users and their corresponding mobile numbers. I also
have a bill list with names and the numbers being charged to the
I have used vlookup to retrieve the number being charged to a person.
(a person who i have as having a number)
I use this to check that the correct number is being billed to a user.
However, some users are being billed twice for two different numbers,
but vlookup only shows me the first number they are being charged for.
Is there a way to see both numbers relating to a persons name?


list 1
name number number being billed for(vlookup used for this)
john 12345 56789
paul 54321 54321

list 2
name number
john 56789
john 12345
paul 54321
chris 99999

so john appears twice, but i only see the first number he is being
charged to.. is there not a way for it to be

number being billed for: 56789, 12345 ?

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

