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Custom Date & Time format

  1. #1

    Custom Date & Time format

    I want to copy a date field "10/18/2005 8:05" into another column and change
    it to a number (minutes) so 8:05 (8 hours & 05 minutes) reads as 485 minutes
    - and I would take the 485 and divide it by another value to yield gallons
    per minute.

    The date field is downloaded from another source so I cannot change it's
    format direcetly. How do I change it after I copy it into a number format?

  2. #2
    Vacation's Over

    RE: Custom Date & Time format

    easiest would be to either add a formula to an adjacent cell or just add the
    minute calculation to your gallon per minute formula. Do you want/need to
    see minutes or just get answer?
    place this formula in B3 and format cell as number
    = 60 * Hour(A3) + Minute(A3)
    In Cell A3
    = Now()
    B3 should give the minute of the day of the last recalculation

    "MSwan1" wrote:

    > I want to copy a date field "10/18/2005 8:05" into another column and change
    > it to a number (minutes) so 8:05 (8 hours & 05 minutes) reads as 485 minutes
    > - and I would take the 485 and divide it by another value to yield gallons
    > per minute.
    > The date field is downloaded from another source so I cannot change it's
    > format direcetly. How do I change it after I copy it into a number format?

  3. #3
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Custom Date & Time format

    One way:

    Dates in XL are stored as integer offsets from a base date, and times
    are added/stored as fractional days, so if your date field is in cell
    A1, use


    to get minutes (24 hr/day * 60 min/hr = 1440 minutes/day)

    In article <[email protected]>,
    MSwan1 <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I want to copy a date field "10/18/2005 8:05" into another column and change
    > it to a number (minutes) so 8:05 (8 hours & 05 minutes) reads as 485 minutes
    > - and I would take the 485 and divide it by another value to yield gallons
    > per minute.
    > The date field is downloaded from another source so I cannot change it's
    > format direcetly. How do I change it after I copy it into a number format?

  4. #4

    RE: Custom Date & Time format

    Worked like a charm - thank you very much.

    "Vacation's Over" wrote:

    > easiest would be to either add a formula to an adjacent cell or just add the
    > minute calculation to your gallon per minute formula. Do you want/need to
    > see minutes or just get answer?
    > test:
    > place this formula in B3 and format cell as number
    > = 60 * Hour(A3) + Minute(A3)
    > In Cell A3
    > = Now()
    > B3 should give the minute of the day of the last recalculation
    > "MSwan1" wrote:
    > > I want to copy a date field "10/18/2005 8:05" into another column and change
    > > it to a number (minutes) so 8:05 (8 hours & 05 minutes) reads as 485 minutes
    > > - and I would take the 485 and divide it by another value to yield gallons
    > > per minute.
    > >
    > > The date field is downloaded from another source so I cannot change it's
    > > format direcetly. How do I change it after I copy it into a number format?
    > >

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