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Problem sorting cells containing hyperlinks

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unhappy Problem sorting cells containing hyperlinks

    I'm using Excel to maintain an index of topics in a magazine, using 4 columns of information (topic, issue number, page numbers, sort key).

    As I add the information for more issues of the magazine, I re-sort the lines, first by topic and then by sort key, which is just the issue number of the magazine. Once this is done, I copy and paste the range containing the first three columns of information into a web page.

    I want to link some of the cells to magazine articles that are available online, but when I re-sort the lines, the hyperlinks seem to get mixed up. Some cells that had hyperlinks before the sort don't have them after the sort, and some that didn't have hyperlinks before the sort do afterwards.

    Anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    Some entire issues of the magazine are online as one pdf file, so I will want to link a whole string of cells to the same location. I've been doing this by hyperlinking one cell and then copying and pasting that cell. Is this causing my problem? Do I have to highlight and insert the hyperlink to each cell individually?

    What seems to be happening is that the hyperlink stays on the same line, even after the sort. For example, if I create a hyperlink in cell A312 and then perform a sort, the information in A312 may be moved to A125, but the hyperlink stays in cell A312 and A125 doesn't have a hyperlink.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Okay, I think I figured it out. Instead of inserting a hyperlink into the cell, I need to be using the =hyperlink() function.

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