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Changing Formula elements to values

  1. #1
    Co-op Bank

    Changing Formula elements to values

    Hello, is there a way to change a formula for example '=a1+a2+a3' to show its
    constant values instead in the cell so it would show '=10+20+30' assuming
    'a1' = 10 etc...

    Would this be a VBA solution? Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Manchester, England

  2. #2
    Gary''s Student

    RE: Changing Formula elements to values

    Yes, it can be done in VBA:

    1. Either code or down-load a simple table-driven parser for worksheet
    2. Run the parser on any cell to develop a table of cell references,
    constants, named objects, etc.
    3. Use the EVALUATE method on each item in the list to get the numeric value
    4. Replace each item in the original expression with its equivalent numeric
    5. Store the modified expression elsewhere.
    Gary's Student

    "Co-op Bank" wrote:

    > Hello, is there a way to change a formula for example '=a1+a2+a3' to show its
    > constant values instead in the cell so it would show '=10+20+30' assuming
    > 'a1' = 10 etc...
    > Would this be a VBA solution? Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.
    > Regards
    > Brian
    > Manchester, England

  3. #3
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Changing Formula elements to values


    Select the cell with the formula, and run the macro below. It will change most cell references to
    values, with the exception of multi-cell ranges. That would be do-able, but would require a

    MS Excel MVP

    Sub Convert()
    'Converts cell references to values within the
    'Activecell's formula
    'Written by Bernie Deitrick Dec 15, 2005

    Dim strForm As String
    Dim strOrig As String
    Dim Addr As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim myCell As Range
    Const Operators As String = "=+-*/^()"

    strForm = ActiveCell.Formula
    strOrig = ActiveCell.Formula

    For i = 1 To Len(Operators)
    strForm = Replace(strForm, Mid(Operators, i, 1), "*")
    Next i

    Addr = Split(strForm, "*")
    For i = LBound(Addr) To UBound(Addr)
    On Error GoTo NotCell
    Set myCell = Range(Addr(i))
    strOrig = Replace(strOrig, Addr(i), myCell.Value)
    Resume GoOn
    Next i

    ActiveCell.Formula = strOrig
    End Sub

    "Co-op Bank" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello, is there a way to change a formula for example '=a1+a2+a3' to show its
    > constant values instead in the cell so it would show '=10+20+30' assuming
    > 'a1' = 10 etc...
    > Would this be a VBA solution? Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.
    > Regards
    > Brian
    > Manchester, England

  4. #4
    Co-op Bank

    Re: Changing Formula elements to values

    Excellent answer Bernie thankyou, this has saved alot of time.


    "Bernie Deitrick" wrote:

    > Brian,
    > Select the cell with the formula, and run the macro below. It will change most cell references to
    > values, with the exception of multi-cell ranges. That would be do-able, but would require a
    > re-write.
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > Sub Convert()
    > 'Converts cell references to values within the
    > 'Activecell's formula
    > 'Written by Bernie Deitrick Dec 15, 2005
    > Dim strForm As String
    > Dim strOrig As String
    > Dim Addr As Variant
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim myCell As Range
    > Const Operators As String = "=+-*/^()"
    > strForm = ActiveCell.Formula
    > strOrig = ActiveCell.Formula
    > For i = 1 To Len(Operators)
    > strForm = Replace(strForm, Mid(Operators, i, 1), "*")
    > Next i
    > Addr = Split(strForm, "*")
    > For i = LBound(Addr) To UBound(Addr)
    > On Error GoTo NotCell
    > Set myCell = Range(Addr(i))
    > strOrig = Replace(strOrig, Addr(i), myCell.Value)
    > NotCell:
    > Resume GoOn
    > GoOn:
    > Next i
    > ActiveCell.Formula = strOrig
    > End Sub
    > "Co-op Bank" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Hello, is there a way to change a formula for example '=a1+a2+a3' to show its
    > > constant values instead in the cell so it would show '=10+20+30' assuming
    > > 'a1' = 10 etc...
    > >
    > > Would this be a VBA solution? Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.
    > >
    > > Regards
    > > Brian
    > > Manchester, England


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