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Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    Hello group!

    For instance, I've a workbook and it has two sheets. Suppose, I want to link A1(sheet1) and a1(sheet2). If I update any of the cells in any of the sheets the other one will be updated automatically. How can this be possible? Or are there any other alternatives?


  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    What formulas? What are you trying to achieve?

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "munim" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hello group!
    > For instance, I've a workbook and it has two sheets. Suppose, I want to
    > link A1(sheet1) and a1(sheet2). *If I update any of the cells in any of
    > the sheets the other one will be updated automatically.* How can this
    > be possible? Or are there any other alternatives?
    > TIA
    > Munim
    > --
    > munim
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > munim's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30052
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497307

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Circular Reference

    Quote Originally Posted by Niek Otten
    What formulas? What are you trying to achieve?

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten
    It is not about formulae... I want to link two cells and whatever I put into one of the cells it will automatically update the other one...

  4. #4

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    > It is not about formulae... I want to link two cells and whatever I put
    > into one of the cells it will automatically update the other one...

    "Links" as described above are formulae

    Perhaps something along these lines ..

    Suppose we want to link what's in Sheet1's A1:C5
    in Sheet2's A1:C5

    In Sheet2,
    Put in A1: =IF(Sheet1!A1="","",Sheet1!A1)
    Copy A1 across to C1, fill down to C5

    Sheet2's A1:C5 will reflect inputs/updates made within Sheet1's A1:C5

    Any empty cells within the source range in Sheet1
    will also appear "empty" in Sheet2's destination range


    And if we want to link it in Sheet2 to always "replicate" Sheet1
    even with "future" insertions of rows / cols within the source range in

    In Sheet2,

    Put instead in A1:

    Copy A1 across to say, H1, fill down to H100 (say)

    Fill a range in Sheet2 large enough to accommodate the
    max expected "expansion"* of the original "source" range in Sheet1
    *via subsequent insertion of rows/cols within the original range

    Sheet2 will return the required results from Sheet1

    For formats, do a Copy > Paste special > Formats > OK
    (Copy from Sheet1, Paste special into Sheet2.
    This part is manual but should be simple to execute)

    (Formulas will not "copy" formatting over)
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Circular Reference

    This is not exactly what I want...

    I want something like....

    I've sort of two cells in different sheets... if i update one of the cells then it will automatically update the other one... and VISE VERSA

  6. #6

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    > I've sort of two cells in different sheets... if i update one of the
    > cells then it will automatically update the other one... and VISE VERSA

    Think you need vba for this. Hang around for insights from others.
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8

  7. #7
    Harlan Grove

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    munim wrote...
    >This is not exactly what I want...
    >I want something like....
    >I've sort of two cells in different sheets... if i update one of the
    >cells then it will automatically update the other one... and VISE VERSA


    Select both worksheets, that is, with one of these worksheets as the
    active 'tab', hold down a [Ctrl] key and click on the other worksheet's
    tab. Make sure that when one of these two worksheets is active, the
    other is selected. Then *EVERYTHING* you do in one will be done in the
    other. You could automate ensuring they're both selected using an event
    handler in the ThisWorkbook class module. For example,

    Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
    Const WKSCOL As String = "Sheet1:Sheet3"

    On Error GoTo End_Proc
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    If InStr(1, WKSCOL, Sh.Name) > 0 Then
    Sheets(Split(WKSCOL, ":")).Select
    End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

    If you're running Excel 8 (97) or prior, add the following additional

    #If Not VBA6 Then
    Private Function Split(s As String, c As String) As Variant
    Dim rv() As String
    Dim k As Long, n As Long, p As Long, q As Long

    k = 0
    n = 7
    ReDim rv(0 To n)

    q = 1
    p = InStr(q, s, c)

    Do While p > 0
    rv(k) = Mid(s, q, p - q)
    q = p + Len(c)
    p = InStr(q, s, c)
    k = k + 1

    If k >= n Then
    n = n + k + 1
    ReDim Preserve rv(0 To n)
    End If

    rv(k) = Mid(s, q)

    ReDim Preserve rv(0 To k)
    Split = rv
    End Function
    #End If

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Harlan Grove: Re: Circular Reference

    I think I couldn't make you understand what I want...

    Let me be clear...

    For Instance, I select a cell sheet1!A1 and another sheet2!B5... If I put anything in sheet2!B5, it will automatically update sheet1!A1 and if I put sheet1!A1 then I will update sheet2!B5...


    I've a sheet and it has an outlook all the calculations are done there... and I have another sheet which has almost the same values with a different outlook.

    So if I update any values of any of the sheet it will update the other sheet. Though It is has total different look. And the links in sheet1 and sheet2 are random... i.e. sheet1!A5 -> sheet2!B3; sheet1!C6 -> sheet2!A10 goes on...


  9. #9
    Niek Otten

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    Hi munim,

    My advice would be to redesign your application. Try putting together a more
    manageable concept.

    If it is that difficult to explain to others and you don't know how to do
    the job yourself you're definitely on a dead end track.

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "munim" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > I think I couldn't make you understand what I want...
    > Let me be clear...
    > For Instance, I select a cell sheet1!A1 and another sheet2!B5... If I
    > put anything in sheet2!B5, it will automatically update sheet1!A1 and
    > if I put sheet1!A1 then I will update sheet2!B5...
    > THEME:
    > I've a sheet and it has an outlook all the calculations are done
    > there... and I have another sheet which has almost the same values with
    > a different outlook.
    > So if I update any values of any of the sheet it will update the other
    > sheet. Though It is has total different look. And the links in sheet1
    > and sheet2 are random... i.e. sheet1!A5 -> sheet2!B3; sheet1!C6 ->
    > sheet2!A10 goes on...
    > TIA
    > --
    > munim
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > munim's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30052
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497307

  10. #10
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question a mirror copy of a sheet with a different outlook...

    Thanks Niek Otten,

    My problem ain't that complex... All I want is a mirror copy of a sheet with a different outlook...

    Quote Originally Posted by Niek Otten
    Hi munim,

    My advice would be to redesign your application. Try putting together a more
    manageable concept.

    If it is that difficult to explain to others and you don't know how to do
    the job yourself you're definitely on a dead end track.

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

  11. #11
    Niek Otten

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    That is not difficult at all as long as you change only one of the sheets.
    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "munim" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks Niek Otten,
    > My problem ain't that complex... All I want is a mirror copy of a sheet
    > with a different outlook...
    > Niek Otten Wrote:
    >> Hi munim,
    >> My advice would be to redesign your application. Try putting together a
    >> more
    >> manageable concept.
    >> If it is that difficult to explain to others and you don't know how to
    >> do
    >> the job yourself you're definitely on a dead end track.
    >> --
    >> Kind regards,
    >> Niek Otten

    > --
    > munim
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > munim's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30052
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497307

  12. #12
    Forum Guru
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    2002/XP and 2007
    I agree with Niek. While I'm sure it would be possible with some VBA code associated with Worksheet_Change or Workbook_Change events to do exactly what you want, in keeping with the KIS principle, the simplest approach will be one where you designate one of the sheets as the input/change sheet and the other sheet designated as the mirror sheet (maybe protected to prevent someone from changing cell formulas on the mirror sheet).

  13. #13
    Harlan Grove

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    munim wrote...
    >My problem ain't that complex... All I want is a mirror copy of a sheet
    >with a different outlook...


    Not so. Reread your own words . . .

    "For Instance, I select a cell sheet1!A1 and another sheet2!B5... If I
    put anything in sheet2!B5, it will automatically update sheet1!A1 and
    if I put sheet1!A1 then I will update sheet2!B5..."

    You don't understand that what you describe *IS* complex. Perhaps
    that's why you can't figure out how to do it yourself. A true *MIRROR*
    copy is pretty simple - all cells in one worksheet are *exactly* like
    the same cell in the mirror worksheet. However, what you want is 2-way
    links between different cells in different worksheets.

    At a minimum, you'd need a 2 column table with Sheet1 references in the
    1st column and corresponding Sheet2 references in the 2nd column. So
    given your example above,

    Sheet1!A1 Sheet2!B5

    Then you'd need a SheetChange event handler in the workbook's
    ThisWorkbook class module that checks whether changed cells appear in
    the table, and if so makes an exact copy of the changed cells in the
    corresponding cells. As long as all you're entering are constants and
    formulas without any relative references, not too difficult. But what
    should happen if the user enters


    in Sheet1!A1? Should the Sheet2!B5 formula be








    For that matter, what should happen if the user enters =Sheet2!B5 as
    the formula in Sheet1!A1?

    It's a very basic tenet of software development that multiple entry of
    the same information is INVARIABLY a *BAD* thing. Redesign your
    application so that one or the other of your 'mirror' worksheets is the
    sole entry worksheet or allow entry in *neither* but instead use other
    worksheets or user forms for *common* entry.

    You could use some trickery to accomplish this. Cells Sheet1!A1 and
    Sheet2!B5 could both reference Sheet99!X99, and you could use a
    SheetChange event handler to check if the changed cell is either
    Sheet1!A1 or Sheet2!B5, and if so store the entered value in a VBA
    variable, back out the entry in the cell in which is was made using
    Application.Undo, then put the stored entry into Sheet99!X99. You'd
    still have the specification questions above to resolve, but you'd have
    a single common place for data storage even though you could make
    entries from multiple places.

    IMO, this form of trickery is more trouble than it's worth, but I also
    believe that experience is the best teacher, and you seem to need
    instruction about not playing with fire.

  14. #14
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Circular Reference

    I know I can change the structure of the program... I find it more flexible if I can update in the both way... As you said it is like playing with *fire*.

    As I'm a newbie at Excel... I dont' know whether it is impossible or not.

    I would like to know, can it be done? I know it is very much simple to make a mirror of *two* sheets and both way updatable.

    Ain't there any ways to link two sheets and can be updated from the both ends? Can't it be done using *Circular Reference*?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Grove
    munim wrote...
    >My problem ain't that complex... All I want is a mirror copy of a sheet
    >with a different outlook...


    Not so. Reread your own words . . .

    "For Instance, I select a cell sheet1!A1 and another sheet2!B5... If I
    put anything in sheet2!B5, it will automatically update sheet1!A1 and
    if I put sheet1!A1 then I will update sheet2!B5..."

    You don't understand that what you describe *IS* complex. Perhaps
    that's why you can't figure out how to do it yourself. A true *MIRROR*
    copy is pretty simple - all cells in one worksheet are *exactly* like
    the same cell in the mirror worksheet. However, what you want is 2-way
    links between different cells in different worksheets.

    At a minimum, you'd need a 2 column table with Sheet1 references in the
    1st column and corresponding Sheet2 references in the 2nd column. So
    given your example above,

    Sheet1!A1 Sheet2!B5

    Then you'd need a SheetChange event handler in the workbook's
    ThisWorkbook class module that checks whether changed cells appear in
    the table, and if so makes an exact copy of the changed cells in the
    corresponding cells. As long as all you're entering are constants and
    formulas without any relative references, not too difficult. But what
    should happen if the user enters


    in Sheet1!A1? Should the Sheet2!B5 formula be








    For that matter, what should happen if the user enters =Sheet2!B5 as
    the formula in Sheet1!A1?

    It's a very basic tenet of software development that multiple entry of
    the same information is INVARIABLY a *BAD* thing. Redesign your
    application so that one or the other of your 'mirror' worksheets is the
    sole entry worksheet or allow entry in *neither* but instead use other
    worksheets or user forms for *common* entry.

    You could use some trickery to accomplish this. Cells Sheet1!A1 and
    Sheet2!B5 could both reference Sheet99!X99, and you could use a
    SheetChange event handler to check if the changed cell is either
    Sheet1!A1 or Sheet2!B5, and if so store the entered value in a VBA
    variable, back out the entry in the cell in which is was made using
    Application.Undo, then put the stored entry into Sheet99!X99. You'd
    still have the specification questions above to resolve, but you'd have
    a single common place for data storage even though you could make
    entries from multiple places.

    IMO, this form of trickery is more trouble than it's worth, but I also
    believe that experience is the best teacher, and you seem to need
    instruction about not playing with fire.

  15. #15
    Harlan Grove

    re: Circular Reference-How can this be possible?

    munim wrote...
    >I know I can change the structure of the program... I find it more
    >flexible if I can update in the both way... As you said it is like
    >playing with *fire*.

    To repeat: making identical entries in multiple places is a bad idea.
    It may seem flexible, but the eventual trouble invariably exceeds any
    perceived benefits.

    >As I'm a newbie at Excel... I dont' know whether it is impossible or
    >I would like to know, can it be done? I know it is very much simple to
    >make a mirror of *two* sheets and both way updatable.

    It's possible, but it *REQUIRES* programming/VBA.

    For example, create a 3-column table named RefTbl in another worksheet
    and fill it's first two columns with corresponding range addresses,
    e.g., for 2 such ranges,

    Sheet1!A1 Sheet2!B5
    Sheet1!C3 Sheet2!B6

    Make sure all cells in the 3rd column in this table are unprotected.
    Then add the following event handler to the workbook's ThisWorkbook
    class module.

    Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As
    Dim rt As Range, s As Range, wsa As String, k As Long

    On Error GoTo Exit_Proc
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set rt = Me.Names("RefTbl").RefersToRange
    wsa = Target.Parent.Name & "!" & Target.Address(0, 0, xlA1, 0)

    With Application.WorksheetFunction
    If .CountIf(.Index(rt, 0, 1), wsa) > 0 Then
    k = .Match(wsa, .Index(rt, 0, 1), 0)
    ElseIf .CountIf(.Index(rt, 0, 2), wsa) > 0 Then
    k = .Match(wsa, .Index(rt, 0, 2), 0)
    k = 0
    End If

    If k > 0 Then
    Set s = .Index(rt, k, 3)
    s.Value = Target.Value
    Range(.Index(rt, k, 1).Value).Formula = "=" & s.Address(1, 1,
    xlA1, 1)
    Range(.Index(rt, k, 2).Value).Formula = "=" & s.Address(1, 1,
    xlA1, 1)
    End If
    End With

    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    The value of whatever you enter in any of the cells listed in the 1st 2
    columns of RefTbl will be stored in the 3rd column of RefTbl and the 2
    corresponding cells will refer to the value in the 3rd column in

    >Ain't there any ways to link two sheets and can be updated from the
    >both ends? Can't it be done using *Circular Reference*?

    No, it can't be done using circular references.

    Ponder this for a moment: if Sheet1!A1 contains the formula =Sheet2!B5,
    and Sheet2!B5 contains the formula =Sheet1!A1, neither can contain the
    value to which both should evaluate because they both need to contain
    references to the other instead. That is, it's *IMPOSSIBLE* to store a
    formula and a value in the same cell. If 2 cells should always evaluate
    to the same value, then either one needs to hold the value and the
    other refer to the former or both need to refer to a 3rd cell that
    contains the common value.

    There's NO WAY TO DO THIS without programming, so there's no SIMPLE way
    to do this. Bemoan this fact it you will, keep asking for alternatives
    if you must, but eventually you may realize that what you want to do
    isn't simple.

  16. #16
    Registered User
    Join Date


    Thanks a lot man.... You are a great help!!!

    It worked it out fine... My intensions are to make a sheet with different look... And can be updatable from any ends...

    Take care

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