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Is there a SUMPRODUCT-like function that I can use on text?

  1. #1

    Is there a SUMPRODUCT-like function that I can use on text?

    I am trying to get a count of items meeting certain criteria. The
    SUMPRODUCT function is exactly what I am looking for (only takes into
    account items meeting certain criteria), but I want to do it with text.
    Example criteria: Joe, Model# 397, January. That is saying that Joe,
    the salesman, sold a 397 in January.

    I was looking at DCOUNT functions, but I wasn't sure how to set up the
    criteria (we have 8 salespeople, about 50 products, and 12 months.
    That's a lot of different combinations).

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, let me know if you need any more information...

  2. #2
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Is there a SUMPRODUCT-like function that I can use on text?

    [email protected] wrote...
    >I am trying to get a count of items meeting certain criteria. The
    >SUMPRODUCT function is exactly what I am looking for (only takes into
    >account items meeting certain criteria), but I want to do it with text.
    > Example criteria: Joe, Model# 397, January. That is saying that Joe,
    >the salesman, sold a 397 in January.


    Why do you believe SUMPRODUCT doesn't work with text?


  3. #3
    John Michl

    Re: Is there a SUMPRODUCT-like function that I can use on text?

    Use sumproduct...something like this...


    Here's a web-site with great info on Sumproduct:

    - John

  4. #4
    John Michl

    Re: Is there a SUMPRODUCT-like function that I can use on text?

    Use sumproduct...something like this...


    Here's a web-site with great info on Sumproduct:

    - John

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