Hello again. I received some excellent assistance from paul B last time I was here and am hoping to get some help again. I have set up a spreadsheet that requires info to be inputted into cells. I have created drop down lists in the cells to only allow certain information to be inputted. I would like to do a couple things but can't figure out how or even how to look it up in help. I would like to:

Allow user to use a drop down list and pick the appropriate entry, then have another drop down list in the adjacent cell that only contains items that correspond to what the first drop down entry was (i.e. company name in first drop down box, adjacent cell drop down list only contains parts made for that company). Then I would like the next column to contain the pricing of the item that was chosen in the previous cell's drop down box. Ideally, this cell would be populated automatically depending on the part chosen for the company. I am trying to create a log of parts shipped and total amount shipped. Hopefully this wasn't too confusing! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!