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HLOOKUP with multiple conditions

  1. #1
    Fin Analyst

    HLOOKUP with multiple conditions

    Hello. In my spreadsheet I have two rows of information, one has the month
    and year showing, and the other shows the corresponding month of the
    project. Say if a project starts in May-06 (data in A4:DA4) the
    corresponding month number is 1 (data in A3:DA3). When I enter a date in
    cell A1 I need another cell (say B2) to show the corresponding project month
    number. I can't seem to get it right. I can get the project month number to
    show when I only have the month as a criteria, but not for the month and year
    a criteria. Hopefully I am explaining this adequately. Can somebody help me
    out with this please?

    Thank you, JCS

  2. #2
    Fin Analyst

    RE: HLOOKUP with multiple conditions

    Are there any suggestions to my problem? I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but
    since I am unexperienced with these two functions I am getting the formula
    wrong. Maybe I'm not explaining properly? Any help somebody could give me
    would be greatly appreciated. This is my last formula to figure out on a big

    Thanks, JCS

    "Fin Analyst" wrote:

    > Hello. In my spreadsheet I have two rows of information, one has the month
    > and year showing, and the other shows the corresponding month of the
    > project. Say if a project starts in May-06 (data in A4:DA4) the
    > corresponding month number is 1 (data in A3:DA3). When I enter a date in
    > cell A1 I need another cell (say B2) to show the corresponding project month
    > number. I can't seem to get it right. I can get the project month number to
    > show when I only have the month as a criteria, but not for the month and year
    > a criteria. Hopefully I am explaining this adequately. Can somebody help me
    > out with this please?
    > Thank you, JCS

  3. #3
    Fin Analyst

    RE: HLOOKUP with multiple conditions

    I finally figured it out. In case anybody encounters a similar problem I
    thought I would post how I solved it. There is probably a more efficient
    way, but this is what I came up with.

    I was trying to get a cell to output the project month number based on
    another cell's date. The problem was that I needed the year and month to tie
    to the months listed on top. My spreadsheet looks something like this:
    1 2 3 4 (and so on for 120 rows)
    project month #s
    Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 (and so on for 120 rows) calendar months

    If the project starts construction in Apr-06 then I need my cell to return
    4. There is another cell for the input of the construction start date on
    another tab. What I did was create two extra lines. One that pulls the
    calendar month number, and the other that pulls the year number. I then used
    a formula from a website that Peo Sjoblom posted about match and index
    functions. Here is the site address:
    I used example number four on index and match. Thanks Peo for the site!


    "Fin Analyst" wrote:

    > Are there any suggestions to my problem? I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but
    > since I am unexperienced with these two functions I am getting the formula
    > wrong. Maybe I'm not explaining properly? Any help somebody could give me
    > would be greatly appreciated. This is my last formula to figure out on a big
    > project.
    > Thanks, JCS
    > "Fin Analyst" wrote:
    > > Hello. In my spreadsheet I have two rows of information, one has the month
    > > and year showing, and the other shows the corresponding month of the
    > > project. Say if a project starts in May-06 (data in A4:DA4) the
    > > corresponding month number is 1 (data in A3:DA3). When I enter a date in
    > > cell A1 I need another cell (say B2) to show the corresponding project month
    > > number. I can't seem to get it right. I can get the project month number to
    > > show when I only have the month as a criteria, but not for the month and year
    > > a criteria. Hopefully I am explaining this adequately. Can somebody help me
    > > out with this please?
    > >
    > > Thank you, JCS
    > >

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