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Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

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  1. #1
    Bob Tarburton

    Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

    In those rare instances where I need to use indirect I sometimes point the
    column reference to this, for example
    which will return C, but change to D if a column is inserted.
    Is there a shorter way to do this, some formula that will change back the 3
    result of =COLUMN($C$2) back into a C?
    (Forgive me for showing QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26), I've already learned
    from seeing Bob Phillips posts that INT((COLUMN($C$2)-1)/26) requires less

  2. #2
    Roger Govier

    Re: Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

    Hi Bob

    =CHAR(COLUMN($C$2)+64) will return uppercase C which I would have
    thought would be preferable.
    =CHAR(COLUMN($C$2)+96) will return lowercase c

    But I was wondering what the formula is that would require you to do
    this, and, whether there might not be a simpler way altogether?


    Roger Govier

    "Bob Tarburton" <reply2bob@_removethis_intergate.com> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > In those rare instances where I need to use indirect I sometimes point
    > the column reference to this, for example
    > =IF(QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26)=0,"",CHAR(QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26)+96))&CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN($C$2),26)=0,26,MOD(COLUMN($C$2),26))+96)
    > which will return C, but change to D if a column is inserted.
    > Is there a shorter way to do this, some formula that will change back
    > the 3 result of =COLUMN($C$2) back into a C?
    > (Forgive me for showing QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26), I've already
    > learned from seeing Bob Phillips posts that INT((COLUMN($C$2)-1)/26)
    > requires less typing.)

  3. #3
    Bob Tarburton

    Re: Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

    Yes, I guess 64 is better than 96, however, I still need my big long formula
    columns AA and on.

    "Roger Govier" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Bob
    > =CHAR(COLUMN($C$2)+64) will return uppercase C which I would have thought
    > would be preferable.
    > =CHAR(COLUMN($C$2)+96) will return lowercase c
    > But I was wondering what the formula is that would require you to do this,
    > and, whether there might not be a simpler way altogether?
    > --
    > Regards
    > Roger Govier
    > "Bob Tarburton" <reply2bob@_removethis_intergate.com> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> In those rare instances where I need to use indirect I sometimes point
    >> the column reference to this, for example
    >> =IF(QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26)=0,"",CHAR(QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26)+96))&CHAR(IF(MOD(COLUMN($C$2),26)=0,26,MOD(COLUMN($C$2),26))+96)
    >> which will return C, but change to D if a column is inserted.
    >> Is there a shorter way to do this, some formula that will change back the
    >> 3 result of =COLUMN($C$2) back into a C?
    >> (Forgive me for showing QUOTIENT(COLUMN($C$2)-1,26), I've already learned
    >> from seeing Bob Phillips posts that INT((COLUMN($C$2)-1)/26) requires
    >> less typing.)


  4. #4

    Re: Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

    Yes, you also need the Analysis Tool Pack to get QUOTIENT( ) whereas
    INT( ) is a built-in function, readily available to everyone.


  5. #5
    Bob Tarburton

    Re: Making column reference in INDIRECT non-static

    Thanks for pointing out the additional advantage.

    "Pete" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Yes, you also need the Analysis Tool Pack to get QUOTIENT( ) whereas
    > INT( ) is a built-in function, readily available to everyone.
    > Pete

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