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Convert serial numbers to dates

  1. #1

    Convert serial numbers to dates

    I exported data from an application and the date column is formatted as
    serial numbers, i.e.: 37935.5140046296

    When I click on one of the serial number cells, the correct date/time format
    shows in the formula bar (11/10/2003 12:20:10 PM).

    How do I get the date format that's showing in the formula bar to show in
    the actual cells? (without having to manually copy/paste...there are 2600
    rows, each with a different date)

  2. #2
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Convert serial numbers to dates

    Try this:

    First, make sure the values are numeric, not text:
    Select the cells
    Click the [Finish] button...that should do it.

    Then, change the serial numbers to a date format
    Select the cells
    Format|Cells|Number tab
    Category: Date
    Type: Select an appropriate date format

    Does that help?


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "lrl0870" wrote:

    > I exported data from an application and the date column is formatted as
    > serial numbers, i.e.: 37935.5140046296
    > When I click on one of the serial number cells, the correct date/time format
    > shows in the formula bar (11/10/2003 12:20:10 PM).
    > How do I get the date format that's showing in the formula bar to show in
    > the actual cells? (without having to manually copy/paste...there are 2600
    > rows, each with a different date)

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