I just need a refresher on how the IF function works with 3 variables.
This is for calculating bonuses based on how many years of seniority an
employee has. Example is:

1-5 years $4000 bonus
6-15 years $ 6000 bonus
15+ $10000 bonus

All I can remember is by uising the IF Function, I can type
=IF(E8>=1,B42) where E8 is the reference to the year and B42 is an
absolute reference to $4000, but that is only comparing years greater
or equal to 1. How do I create a way to compare the 3 numbers? I am
kinda remembering a nested IF function, but can't recall how to set it
up, is there a formula table in excel for this type of thing?

Hope this makes sense! Thanks for your time...