How many decimal places can be displayed in a cell? I'm running a brute
force VBA procedure of finding fractions that will approximate pi to as many
decimal places as Excel will display, but I don't know how many decimal
places Excel will display accurately. Anybody know? I guess this is also a
matter of how many decimal places VBA will calculate accurately as well.

Sub PiFractions()
Dim dividend As Integer, divisor As Integer, quotient As Double
Dim rowpointer As Byte

rowpointer = 1

For dividend = 22 To 10000
For divisor = 7 To dividend \ 3
quotient = dividend / divisor
If quotient > 3.14159 And quotient < 3.1416 Then
Cells(rowpointer, 1) = dividend
Cells(rowpointer, 2) = divisor
Cells(rowpointer, 3) = quotient
rowpointer = rowpointer + 1
End If

End Sub