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Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range

  1. #1
    Grumpy Grandpa

    Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range


    I suppose this should be easy; but, I have searched and searched and
    can't find an answer in this group or anywhere else, so here goes:

    I need to know what formula to use in my conditional formatting for a
    cell such that if I find the exact text that is in the cell in a named
    range, then the conditional formatting will apply.


    I have a named range, "FNAMES" (D1:F3) that contains first names as
    D E F
    1 Billy Marie Kelly
    2 Chuck Marty Krissy
    3 Artie Percy Harry

    Let's say cell A1 contains the text "Krissy"

    What formula would I use in the CF box for cell A1 so that it bolds
    with a red background? (I don't need help with the formatting part,
    just the formula).

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range

    Hi Grumpy Grandpa,

    I used =OR($A$1=$D$1:$F$3) and it seems to work.

    Ken Johnson

  3. #3
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range

    Try something like this:

    for a name in A1

    Select A1
    <Format><Conditional Formatting>
    Formula is: =COUNTIF(FNAMES,A1)
    Click the [Format] button...set your format
    Click the [OK] buttons

    Does that help?


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "Grumpy Grandpa" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I suppose this should be easy; but, I have searched and searched and
    > can't find an answer in this group or anywhere else, so here goes:
    > I need to know what formula to use in my conditional formatting for a
    > cell such that if I find the exact text that is in the cell in a named
    > range, then the conditional formatting will apply.
    > EXAMPLE:
    > I have a named range, "FNAMES" (D1:F3) that contains first names as
    > follows:
    > D E F
    > 1 Billy Marie Kelly
    > 2 Chuck Marty Krissy
    > 3 Artie Percy Harry
    > Let's say cell A1 contains the text "Krissy"
    > What formula would I use in the CF box for cell A1 so that it bolds
    > with a red background? (I don't need help with the formatting part,
    > just the formula).
    > Thanks in advance!

  4. #4
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range

    Hi Grumpy Grandpa,

    =OR($A$1=FNAMES) also seems to work OK.

    Ken Johnson

  5. #5
    Ashish Mathur

    RE: Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range


    In conditional formatting, do the following:

    "Cell value is" "equal to" "name" (w/o the quotes)


    Ashish Mathur

    "Grumpy Grandpa" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I suppose this should be easy; but, I have searched and searched and
    > can't find an answer in this group or anywhere else, so here goes:
    > I need to know what formula to use in my conditional formatting for a
    > cell such that if I find the exact text that is in the cell in a named
    > range, then the conditional formatting will apply.
    > EXAMPLE:
    > I have a named range, "FNAMES" (D1:F3) that contains first names as
    > follows:
    > D E F
    > 1 Billy Marie Kelly
    > 2 Chuck Marty Krissy
    > 3 Artie Percy Harry
    > Let's say cell A1 contains the text "Krissy"
    > What formula would I use in the CF box for cell A1 so that it bolds
    > with a red background? (I don't need help with the formatting part,
    > just the formula).
    > Thanks in advance!

  6. #6
    Grumpy Grandpa

    Re: Conditional formatting if value in cell is found in a named range

    Thanks. Works great!

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