Hi all, I searched but couldnt find an answer to this problem.
I have a lot of items that are serial numbered, the portable scanner drops
the serial numbers into column A with no problem at all. Then I need pass or
fail to show in column F. This is no problem at all either (because I learnt
from previous threads).
My problem is that the items are scanned numerically randomly and passed or
failed, but when I sort column A into ascending numerical value, column F
value doesnt move to the new row that the column A value moves to.

A B thru E F
2 details Pass
1 details Fail

and when I sort it all I end up with

A B thru E F
1 details Pass
2 details Fail

instead of

A B thru E F
1 details Fail
2 details Pass

How do I make the result in column F follow/sort with that of column A????

This is the smartest forum I have encountered for a long time, Im sure
someone can help.

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