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Count dates for previous month

  1. #1

    Count dates for previous month

    Hoping someone can help, I'm about to lose my mind. I've tried every
    combination of sum, if, countif, sumproduct, you name it and I can't
    figure it out.

    I've got a column of dates. What I want to do is count the number of
    dates that occurred last month, taking into consideration that a year
    change could be between the current month and last month.

    This was my latest attempt, but again it didn't work:


    If you can save what's left of my sanity, please help.



  2. #2

    Re: Count dates for previous month



    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    [email protected] wrote:

    > Hoping someone can help, I'm about to lose my mind. I've tried every
    > combination of sum, if, countif, sumproduct, you name it and I can't
    > figure it out.
    > I've got a column of dates. What I want to do is count the number of
    > dates that occurred last month, taking into consideration that a year
    > change could be between the current month and last month.
    > This was my latest attempt, but again it didn't work:
    > =SUM(IF(MONTH(C2:C8)=MONTH(TODAY()-DAY(TODAY())),1,0))
    > If you can save what's left of my sanity, please help.
    > Cheers,
    > Scrib

  3. #3

    Re: Count dates for previous month

    Thank you very much, Domenic! That did the trick.

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Count dates for previous month

    On 27 Apr 2006 17:44:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:

    >Hoping someone can help, I'm about to lose my mind. I've tried every
    >combination of sum, if, countif, sumproduct, you name it and I can't
    >figure it out.
    >I've got a column of dates. What I want to do is count the number of
    >dates that occurred last month, taking into consideration that a year
    >change could be between the current month and last month.
    >This was my latest attempt, but again it didn't work:
    >If you can save what's left of my sanity, please help.

    You can use COUNTIF.


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