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  1. #1



    I've been puzzling over this one for a while so I'd appreciate some
    fresh eyes taking a look (and hopefully saying "that's so easy" and
    proposing something so simple I slap myself in the forehead...*wry

    In A10:A17 I have a list of sample IDs for two sorts of water (muddy vs
    clean). In B10:B17 I have a list of the samples that they were mixed

    1 X
    2 5
    3 4
    4 3
    5 2
    6 17
    7 8
    8 7

    As you can see, sample 5 mixed with sample 2, sample 1 didn't mix with
    any samples, sample 6 mixed with sample 17 (this is just a snippet of
    the values), etc. Let's say that we know sample 2 has a particular
    feature (eg: it's muddy water). Because it mixed with sample 5 (clean
    water), sample 5 is now the same as sample 2 (muddy water).

    Since I know sample 5's status to begin with, a simple IF statement
    within the table is fine to show sample 5 as "M" in column C. What I
    would like to do is to somehow get the value from column B (ie: 2) and
    then make sample 2 also "M" status. (Note: If two clear water samples
    mix (eg: samples 7 and 8) they should remain clear and stay as "C"

    I've tried this in multiple columns and within the same column with no
    success using VLOOKUP and IF combinations. I'm finding the problem
    seems to be that Excel runs through the formula to determine the status
    of sample 2 but then doesn't re-evaluate the status after sample 5 is
    found to be of a different status. Can someone shed some light on
    other functions I might try or if I'm just making some stupid mistake
    and you can get those functions I mentioned to work without a problem?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2

    Re: VLOOKUP or IF or BOTH


    >From what I understand, the function sumproduct() would do the job ...

    Should you provide more details, with an example of what appears in A10
    and B10, problem could be quickly solved.


  3. #3

    Re: VLOOKUP or IF or BOTH


    Thanks for the prompt reply and apologies for my question requiring
    further information. I was loathe to make the question text too long
    because then people might not read it. Some further information...

    The following range is B9:F17 including column headings

    Sample ID Mixed with Original status Vlookup Final status
    1 X C #N/A #N/A
    2 5 C M M
    3 4 C C C
    4 3 C C C
    5 2 M C M
    6 17 C C C
    7 8 C C C
    8 7 C C C


    As can be seen in column D ("Original status"), sample 5 was
    originally muddy (M) when it mixed with sample 2 containing clear water

    Column E ("Vlookup") contains a VLOOKUP function...

    Column F ("Final status") contains an IF statement...

    What I'd really like to be able to do is to somehow eliminate columns E
    and F and have those calculations performed within column D. Is this
    possible? It's not a critical matter in terms of the functionality of
    the worksheet - I can use the multiple column method if I have to.
    However, it seems to me that it would be far neater to get all the
    calculations done within a single cell rather than three cells but I
    cannot get the syntax correct for it to work.

    Hope that makes more sense now.

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