Hi there

I hope someone can please help me with a problem that I have as shown below:-

OK, I have a telephone number which is split into two separate cells. The first cell is the dialling code (STD code) and the second cell is the actual number. These cells are next to each other e.g. A1 and B1.

So, A1 = e.g. 01302 and B1 = e.g. 820353

I want to merge them into 1 cell so that the STD code and number are together separated by a space.

e.g. C1 = 01302 820353

Furthermore I then need to prefix the C1 cell with a t: e.g.

C1 = t: 01302 820353

I hope that makes sense!

Thank you for looking and I hope someone can help.

Best wishes
