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Finding the Last Working Day

  1. #1

    Finding the Last Working Day

    HI ALL,

    I have a Sheet which has a Header Row which consists of Dates like

    01-May-06 02-May-06 03-May-06 04-May-06 05-May-06 06-May-06 07-May-06 08-May-06 09-May-06 10-May-06 11-May-06 12-May-06 13-May-06....etc..

    on the Second row, i.e below Header row, i have Attendance marked for
    employees corresponding to each day....like this:

    PH L P P P WO WO LWP P P L L WO A A WO WO A etc....

    On this row, in the last column, i want to create a formula which would
    evaluate if there are 3 consecutive Absentisms (A) one after the
    other, so that an AOD (Absent on Duty) can be raised for that employee.

    A A A

    PH = Public Holiday. (rostered leave)
    L = Leave (rostered leave)
    P = Present
    WO = Weekly Off
    LWP = Leave without Pay (informed but not sanctioned leave - was
    Rostered for that day.)
    UL = Unpaid Leave (informed but not sanctioned leave - was Rostered for
    that day.)
    A - Absent

    1] I want a formula such that it can evaluate, if there was a WO in
    between the 3 A's.
    3] find 3 consecutive A's in a row. (one after the other).
    2] The Last Working Day (LWD) before the 3 A's, which could be (P, UL,
    LWP) except (WO, PH, L).


  2. #2

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Please note that there should be 3 consecutive A's, one after the
    other, & the Last Working Day would be a date (in Header column above),
    which would be before the 3 A's. The only criteria is it should not be
    a Weekly off (WO), or Leave(L), or PH (Public Holiday). Rest the Last
    Working day could be a UL or a LWP.

    So, How to find 3 consecutive A's in a Row & a LWD date (by Lookup)
    before them.


  3. #3

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Since its possible that there could be 3 A's in the beginning of the
    month for some employees who were absent for 3 consecutive days but
    later on rejoined the company ( were accepted by the company), i want
    to find the latest 3 A's i.e..... 3 consecutive A's later in the month
    & get a LWD just before them.


  4. #4

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    so we only have to count three a's(to begin with),or do you need to know if
    there were more than three?
    [email protected]
    remove nospam for email addy!

    "junoon" wrote:

    > Since its possible that there could be 3 A's in the beginning of the
    > month for some employees who were absent for 3 consecutive days but
    > later on rejoined the company ( were accepted by the company), i want
    > to find the latest 3 A's i.e..... 3 consecutive A's later in the month
    > & get a LWD just before them.

  5. #5

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your reply,

    Yes, Atleast 3 A's is a must & they should be the latest ones. Then
    before the 3 A's you get the Last Working Day.

    Emp Name 13/5/2006 14/5/2006 15/5/2006 16/5/2006 17/5/2006
    john P WO A
    A A 13/5/2006
    Jacob P P A
    A A 14/5/2006

    In the 1st case for John, his LWD would be 13/5/2006, Jacob's would be

    As you can see, I want to get the LWD Dates in Column "LWD".

    Hope that Helps!

  6. #6

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Assuming that B1:AF1 contains the data, and B2:AF2 contains the
    attendance, try the following formulas, which need to be confirmed with

    AG2, copied down:


    AH2, copied down:


    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > HI ALL,
    > I have a Sheet which has a Header Row which consists of Dates like
    > this:
    > 01-May-06 02-May-06 03-May-06 04-May-06 05-May-06 06-May-06 07-May-06
    > 08-May-06 09-May-06 10-May-06 11-May-06 12-May-06 13-May-06....etc..
    > on the Second row, i.e below Header row, i have Attendance marked for
    > employees corresponding to each day....like this:
    > PH L P P P WO WO LWP P P L L WO A A WO WO A etc....
    > On this row, in the last column, i want to create a formula which would
    > evaluate if there are 3 consecutive Absentisms (A) one after the
    > other, so that an AOD (Absent on Duty) can be raised for that employee.
    > i.e..
    > A A A
    > PH = Public Holiday. (rostered leave)
    > L = Leave (rostered leave)
    > P = Present
    > WO = Weekly Off
    > LWP = Leave without Pay (informed but not sanctioned leave - was
    > Rostered for that day.)
    > UL = Unpaid Leave (informed but not sanctioned leave - was Rostered for
    > that day.)
    > A - Absent
    > 1] I want a formula such that it can evaluate, if there was a WO in
    > between the 3 A's.
    > 3] find 3 consecutive A's in a row. (one after the other).
    > 2] The Last Working Day (LWD) before the 3 A's, which could be (P, UL,
    > LWP) except (WO, PH, L).

  7. #7

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Excellent Domenic,

    Thats just pure GENIUS!

    But Please explain to me the formula, i.e. how it works, so that i can
    apply that to different situations i.e. modify it.

    Especially the part where you divide by 1 (in both formulas).

    Warm Regards,


  8. #8

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day


    I meant 1 getting divided by the formulas.....

    Could please kindly explain me the breakup of both your formulas, so
    that i can understand better.

    PLEASE REPLY ASAP...as i have been trying different options before &
    would like to know why these formulas work properly....

  9. #9

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    For simplicity sake, let's assume that A1:F2 contains the following

    Emp Name 13/5/2006 14/5/2006 15/5/2006 16/5/2006 17/5/2006
    John P WO A A A

    If we look at the following formula...


    ....OFFSET references an array of ranges. Each range is made up of three
    cells, B2:D2, C2:E2, and D2:F2. And COUNTIF counts the number of A's
    for each range. So, the formula is evaluated as follows...




    ....and returns 3. Note the following:

    1) The numerical equivalent of TRUE and FALSE is 1 and 0, respectively.

    2) 1 divided by TRUE or FALSE will always return 1 or #DIV/0!,

    3) 2 is used as the lookup value, and will always be larger than any
    value in the lookup range.

    4) The range type for match is omitted, and defaults to 1.

    5) Since MATCH is not looking for an exact match, and 2 is larger than
    any value in the lookup range, it returns the position of the last
    numerical value, ignoring #DIV/0!.

    Now, the following formula...


    ....is evaluated as follows...







    ....and returns the first value indexed in B1:F1, which is 13/5/2006.

    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Sorry,
    > I meant 1 getting divided by the formulas.....
    > Could please kindly explain me the breakup of both your formulas, so
    > that i can understand better.
    > PLEASE REPLY ASAP...as i have been trying different options before &
    > would like to know why these formulas work properly....

  10. #10

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Dom that s good!I was working on the same basic theory in that i had countif
    and offset formulas looking at three cell ranges in a helper row to find the
    LWD positions
    I might have got to your formulas in a few days!
    [email protected]
    remove nospam for email addy!

    "Domenic" wrote:

    > For simplicity sake, let's assume that A1:F2 contains the following
    > data...
    > Emp Name 13/5/2006 14/5/2006 15/5/2006 16/5/2006 17/5/2006
    > John P WO A A A
    > If we look at the following formula...
    > =MATCH(2,1/(COUNTIF(OFFSET(B2,,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COLUMNS(B2:F2)-2))-1,,3)
    > ,"A")=3))
    > ....OFFSET references an array of ranges. Each range is made up of three
    > cells, B2:D2, C2:E2, and D2:F2. And COUNTIF counts the number of A's
    > for each range. So, the formula is evaluated as follows...
    > =MATCH(2,1/({1;2;3}=3))
    > =MATCH(2,{#DIV/0!;#DIV0!;1})
    > ....and returns 3. Note the following:
    > 1) The numerical equivalent of TRUE and FALSE is 1 and 0, respectively.
    > 2) 1 divided by TRUE or FALSE will always return 1 or #DIV/0!,
    > respectively.
    > 3) 2 is used as the lookup value, and will always be larger than any
    > value in the lookup range.
    > 4) The range type for match is omitted, and defaults to 1.
    > 5) Since MATCH is not looking for an exact match, and 2 is larger than
    > any value in the lookup range, it returns the position of the last
    > numerical value, ignoring #DIV/0!.
    > Now, the following formula...
    > =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,MATCH(2,1/IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B2:F2,{"LWP","P","UL"},0)),I
    > F(COLUMN(B2:F2)-COLUMN(B2)+1<G2,1))))
    > ....is evaluated as follows...
    > =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,MATCH(2,1/IF(ISNUMBER({2,#N/A,#N/A,#N/A,#N/A}),IF({2,3,4
    > ,5,6}-2+1<3,1))))
    > 5}<3,1))))
    > E,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE},1))))
    > =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,MATCH(2,{1,#DIV/0!,#DIV/0!,#DIV/0!,#DIV/0!}))
    > =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,1)
    > ....and returns the first value indexed in B1:F1, which is 13/5/2006.
    > Hope this helps!
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > Sorry,
    > >
    > > I meant 1 getting divided by the formulas.....
    > >
    > > Could please kindly explain me the breakup of both your formulas, so
    > > that i can understand better.
    > >
    > > PLEASE REPLY ASAP...as i have been trying different options before &
    > > would like to know why these formulas work properly....


  11. #11

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Thats Just Superb, but as Paul said, it would rather have taken me
    months to figure that out!

    Boss, you are the next MVP!

    BTW, instead of taking "1/IF(ISNUMBER(.....i.e. dividing 1 by the array
    formula values, is it not simpler to take unary characters "--", to
    convert logical values to their numeric forms.

    like say,..


    Warm Regards,


  12. #12

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > BTW, instead of taking "1/IF(ISNUMBER(.....i.e. dividing 1 by the array
    > formula values, is it not simpler to take unary characters "--", to
    > convert logical values to their numeric forms.

    As you know, IF(ISNUMBER(...),...) returns an array of 1's and FALSE
    values. If you use the double negative, FALSE values will be coerced
    into 0's, instead of #DIV/0!'s.

    Since MATCH is constructed to return the position of the last numerical
    value, unlike #DIV/0! values, 0's won't be ignored. Consequently, MATCH
    won't return the desired result.

    Hope this helps!

  13. #13

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Hi Domenic,

    Just to bring to your notice which i came across today in my Dept.,

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 'LWD
    would be Wed a "Present" here...
    P P P A A WO WO A


    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 'LWD
    would be Thu a "Leave" here...
    P P P L A A WO A

    I found that, (in the above examples) all employees are entitled to
    their "WO" & i will need to wait for the next day of absence (I.e
    "Mon") to have the AOD (Absent On Duty) initiated.

    1] So, from above examples, LWD would be a Leave(L), Present, LWP or
    UL. i.e a sanctioned Leave would also be considered a Last Working day.

    2] And a WO can lie between the 3 A's also.

    In this scenario, What modifications should be made to the 2 formula's?

    Warm Regards,


  14. #14

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    A few questions...

    1) In your first example, you have two WO's within the three A's. Is
    this correct? If so, how many WO's can you have within the three A's
    and still initiate an 'Absent On Duty'?

    2) In your second example, the following initiates an AOD...

    A A WO A

    ....I assume the same is true for the following...

    A WO A A


    In article <[email protected]>,
    "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Hi Domenic,
    > Just to bring to your notice which i came across today in my Dept.,
    > Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 'LWD
    > would be Wed a "Present" here...
    > P P P A A WO WO A
    > Or,
    > Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 'LWD
    > would be Thu a "Leave" here...
    > P P P L A A WO A
    > I found that, (in the above examples) all employees are entitled to
    > their "WO" & i will need to wait for the next day of absence (I.e
    > "Mon") to have the AOD (Absent On Duty) initiated.
    > 1] So, from above examples, LWD would be a Leave(L), Present, LWP or
    > UL. i.e a sanctioned Leave would also be considered a Last Working day.
    > 2] And a WO can lie between the 3 A's also.
    > In this scenario, What modifications should be made to the 2 formula's?
    > Warm Regards,
    > Junoon

  15. #15

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Yes, that true Domenic.

    Generally, in a week every one has 2 weekly offs, so an A A WO
    WO A...
    can also initiate an AOD.

    But sometimes, the weekly offs may not lie one after the other, as
    shown in the previous example. e.g. A A WO A....

    Warm Regards,


  16. #16

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    See if the following returns the desired result. You'll notice that it
    uses 4 helper cells. These cells can be hidden, if you want.

    So, assuming that B1:AF1 contains the date, and B2:AF2 contains the
    attendance, try...

    AG2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:


    AH2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:


    AI2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:


    AJ2, copied down:


    AK2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:


    Hope this helps!

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Yes, that true Domenic.
    > Generally, in a week every one has 2 weekly offs, so an A A WO
    > WO A...
    > can also initiate an AOD.
    > But sometimes, the weekly offs may not lie one after the other, as
    > shown in the previous example. e.g. A A WO A....
    > Warm Regards,
    > Junoon

  17. #17

    Re: Finding the Last Working Day

    Thanks PAL!

    Domenic wrote:
    > See if the following returns the desired result. You'll notice that it
    > uses 4 helper cells. These cells can be hidden, if you want.
    > So, assuming that B1:AF1 contains the date, and B2:AF2 contains the
    > attendance, try...
    > AG2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:
    > ),"A")=3))
    > AH2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:
    > 4),"A")=3)*(COUNTIF(OFFSET(B2,,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COLUMNS(B2:AF2)-3))-1,,4
    > ),"WO")=1)))
    > AI2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:
    > 5),"A")=3)*(COUNTIF(OFFSET(B2,,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COLUMNS(B2:AF2)-4))-1,,5
    > ),"WO")=2)))
    > AJ2, copied down:
    > AK2, confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, and copied down:
    > =INDEX($B$1:$AF$1,MATCH(2,1/IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B2:AF2,{"L","LWP","P","UL"}
    > ,0)),IF(COLUMN(B2:AF2)-COLUMN(B2)+1<AJ2,1))))
    > Hope this helps!
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > "junoon" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > Yes, that true Domenic.
    > >
    > > Generally, in a week every one has 2 weekly offs, so an A A WO
    > > WO A...
    > > can also initiate an AOD.
    > >
    > > But sometimes, the weekly offs may not lie one after the other, as
    > > shown in the previous example. e.g. A A WO A....
    > >
    > > Warm Regards,
    > >
    > > Junoon

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