I have a column C of numbers. I need to find the median value of these numbers. Then I need to know the average distance between each number in the column and the median of the column.

Currently I am using this function:


This gives me a new column D which contains the distance between each number in C and the median of C. Then I can use AVERAGE(D1:D100) to get the average distance from the median.

However, I don't want this column D. By itself D is meaningless and takes up valuable space. I am only interested in the average difference, not each individual difference. Is there a way to arrive at the average difference without creating this column D?

I want something like: AVERAGE(ABS(Cn-MEDIAN(C1:C100)),n=1...100)

This is what I want in mathematical terms. I don't know if Excel is capable of this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.