I'm creating a worksheet for work with 1000 addresses on Sheet1, they start at row 11 and continue on every row until 1011.
On Sheet2 I have a bunch of information on those houses starting at row 10 and the information is 79 rows. So I want a reference on line 10 on Sheet2 to the address on Sheet1 at line 11 (normally I would just put "=Sheet1!A11") and then the next address reference would need to be at row 80 on Sheet2 and it would normally be "=Sheet1!A12" and so on, however as you all know when I copy that 80 rows of information to duplicate it for the next house it changes that formula to "=Sheet1!A91" and so on, and I have so much information I reached the bottom of the sheet at row 65536. and so if I had to go through and change all those references it would take me hours and hours. How do a copy that formula 80 rows down on Sheet2 but only have it reference one row down on Sheet1? Thanks for the help. I have started to get an idea I just don't know the formulas enough. I was trying to do it with =INDIRECT(Sheet1!A ... but I haven't figured it out yet. THANKS!