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@vlookup returns the formula instead of the value - why?

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  1. #1

    @vlookup returns the formula instead of the value - why?

    I am using an @vlookup to return a "Y" or an "X" value back. When I try to
    change this function, instead of getting a "Y", "X" or blank cell, the
    formula is what shows in my cell vs the text I want returned. When I
    originally set up the fx in this spreadsheet, it was fine. It wasn't until I
    needed to edit each month that I have this problem. Even it I delete the fx
    and re enter, I still get the formula returnevs the value. See Below what
    comes back in my cell. The Y's are correct. Not sure why the formula is
    returned vs a Y, N or blank cell. Not sure if there is something I need to
    turn off or on. I looked in the tools - options and did not see anything.

    =VLOOKUP($B15,'Station Rep Guide'!$C$3:$k$1089,8,FALSE)

  2. #2

    RE: @vlookup returns the formula instead of the value - why?

    Your cell is probably formatted as text. Try chaning the format to General,
    then re-enter your formula.


    "Barb" wrote:

    > I am using an @vlookup to return a "Y" or an "X" value back. When I try to
    > change this function, instead of getting a "Y", "X" or blank cell, the
    > formula is what shows in my cell vs the text I want returned. When I
    > originally set up the fx in this spreadsheet, it was fine. It wasn't until I
    > needed to edit each month that I have this problem. Even it I delete the fx
    > and re enter, I still get the formula returnevs the value. See Below what
    > comes back in my cell. The Y's are correct. Not sure why the formula is
    > returned vs a Y, N or blank cell. Not sure if there is something I need to
    > turn off or on. I looked in the tools - options and did not see anything.
    > =VLOOKUP($B15,'Station Rep Guide'!$C$3:$k$1089,8,FALSE)
    > Y
    > Y
    > Y

  3. #3

    Re: @vlookup returns the formula instead of the value - why?

    Hi Barb,

    Maybe if you delete your formula and the right click on the cell. Chose
    Format Cells -> Number -> Generel.
    Then Re-type your formula.


  4. #4

    RE: @vlookup returns the formula instead of the value - why?

    Try using the keystroke combination of

    <Ctrl> + <`>

    Hold control and hit the tilda key. The tilda key is located above the tab
    key on the left side of the keyboard. This keystroke combination will display
    the formulas in the cells rather than the results of the formulas. Might be
    worth trying.

    "Barb" wrote:

    > I am using an @vlookup to return a "Y" or an "X" value back. When I try to
    > change this function, instead of getting a "Y", "X" or blank cell, the
    > formula is what shows in my cell vs the text I want returned. When I
    > originally set up the fx in this spreadsheet, it was fine. It wasn't until I
    > needed to edit each month that I have this problem. Even it I delete the fx
    > and re enter, I still get the formula returnevs the value. See Below what
    > comes back in my cell. The Y's are correct. Not sure why the formula is
    > returned vs a Y, N or blank cell. Not sure if there is something I need to
    > turn off or on. I looked in the tools - options and did not see anything.
    > =VLOOKUP($B15,'Station Rep Guide'!$C$3:$k$1089,8,FALSE)
    > Y
    > Y
    > Y

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