I am trying to create a report generator for my spreadsheet. On my report sheet I want to be able to specify the name of the sheet (B5) and the column heading from that sheet (A9) to pull data from so that:


In A9 the user can select valid column headings from a list. For example, if B5=Sheet 1 and A9=Name then A10 would equal the first entry under the column heading "Name" from Sheet 1, A11 would equal the second, ....

However, the formula I have listed above does not work for the INDIRECT($A$9) part (the rest seems to work). I tried simply A9 instead of INDIRECT($A$9), and the report did pull data from Sheet 1, it just wasn't from the Name column, it was from some other column. Can anybody tell me how to correct this formula? Thanks for the help.