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convert a string to range?

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  1. #1

    convert a string to range?

    Hi folks,

    Not a programmer, try to write a macro to refresh a chart base on the
    range I choose, say, in the previouse step, set "A1:A1, K1:P1, A5:A5,
    K5:P5, A10:A10, K10:P10" to string variable wkrange.

    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("sheet1").range(wkrange) _
    , PlotBy:=xlRows

    I get run-time error '1004'

    I know something wrong with range(wkrange), would you please shed some
    light here?


  2. #2
    Gary''s Student

    RE: convert a string to range?

    Sub ordinate()
    Dim krange As String, r As Range
    krange = "A1:A1, K1:P1, A5:A5,K5: P5 , A10: A10 , K10: P10 "
    Set r = Range(krange)
    End Sub

    will definitely convert the string into a range. I know nothing about
    charting, however.
    Gary's Student

    "JK" wrote:

    > Hi folks,
    > Not a programmer, try to write a macro to refresh a chart base on the
    > range I choose, say, in the previouse step, set "A1:A1, K1:P1, A5:A5,
    > K5:P5, A10:A10, K10:P10" to string variable wkrange.
    > then:
    > ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("sheet1").range(wkrange) _
    > , PlotBy:=xlRows
    > I get run-time error '1004'
    > I know something wrong with range(wkrange), would you please shed some
    > light here?
    > Jack

  3. #3

    Re: convert a string to range?

    krange = "A1:A1, K1:P1, A5:A5,K5: P5 , A10: A10 , K10: P10 "
    Set r = Range(krange)

    it works, now i know my problem is the string is too long, the actual
    string looks like:


    the rows are divisions, the colums are date, what I want to do is to
    create a chart base on user's selection { (division1,division2, ...)
    (day1, day2,...)}, so it may be row1, row5, row 8,.., and day5 to day9.

    Thanks in advance.


  4. #4
    Harlan Grove

    Re: convert a string to range?

    JK wrote...
    >Not a programmer, try to write a macro to refresh a chart base on the
    >range I choose, say, in the previouse step, set "A1:A1, K1:P1, A5:A5,
    >K5:P5, A10:A10, K10:P10" to string variable wkrange.
    >ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("sheet1").range(wkrange), _
    > PlotBy:=xlRows
    >I get run-time error '1004'


    What are the col A cells supposed to contain? If they're data points
    like cols K through P, then the problem is that Excel can only plot
    single cells, rows or columns, with rows and columns being single area
    ranges. Your rows, (A1:A1,K1:P1), (A5:A5,K5:P5), etc are 2-area ranges,
    therefore invalid. You'd need to plot A1:P1, A5:P5, etc.

  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: convert a string to range?

    Harlan Grove wrote...
    > . . . then the problem is that Excel can only plot
    >single cells, rows or columns, with rows and columns being single area
    >ranges. Your rows, (A1:A1,K1:P1), (A5:A5,K5:P5), etc are 2-area ranges,
    >therefore invalid. You'd need to plot A1:P1, A5:P5, etc.

    Responded too quickly. You'd need to name each of the ranges
    (A1,K1:P1), (A5,K5:P5) etc., then you'd need to add the NAMED ranges as
    separate series to the chart one at a time. You can't use ByRows or
    ByColumns when the row or column ranges are multiple area ranges.

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