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how do i copy down x number of times

  1. #1
    Frazer Edwards

    how do i copy down x number of times

    hi all, I'm trying to do loan recalculation workbook, I know there is a
    template available to download but it doesn't suit what I need.

    so what I'm trying to do is copy down a forumla a given number of times (ie
    loan payments) this will allow me to graph the results. what I'm looking
    for is a function that will copy down x number of times, x being the number
    of loan payments which may vary from 12 to 480. I'd also like to graph,
    only the number required. so if I've got a 300 payment loan, the graph will
    have a 0-300 range, etc..

    can anyone help?

  2. #2

    Re: how do i copy down x number of times

    Start off with a little mental math.

    Say you enter the formula in D12.

    For 300 formulas you must go down to which cell in Column D?

    RIGHT ... Cell D311.

    So, after the formula is entered in D12, click in (select) D12 again.
    Then, click in 'name box' (left of formula bar), and type in
    Then, hold down <Shift>,
    And hit <Enter>.

    You have now selected the range D12:D311,
    With the focus of the selection in cell D12, which contains the formula,
    Hit <F2>, to enter the 'Edit' mode.
    Finally, hold <Ctrl> and hit <Enter>.

    You've now copied the formula down 300 rows.

    It really takes much longer to read how to do it, then to actually do it.<g>



    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    "Frazer Edwards" <Frazer [email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > hi all, I'm trying to do loan recalculation workbook, I know there is a
    > template available to download but it doesn't suit what I need.
    > so what I'm trying to do is copy down a forumla a given number of times
    > (ie
    > loan payments) this will allow me to graph the results. what I'm
    > looking
    > for is a function that will copy down x number of times, x being the
    > number
    > of loan payments which may vary from 12 to 480. I'd also like to graph,
    > only the number required. so if I've got a 300 payment loan, the graph
    > will
    > have a 0-300 range, etc..
    > can anyone help?

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