i have a worksheet naming table_p_source with two columns, resource query string value and page source.

Another worksheet naming, main_spread_sheet containing several columns, but two columns are identical to table_p_source. One is the resouce query string value and the other, page source.

Using the vlookup method, the resource query string value column is supposed in main_spread_sheet is supposed to link up with table_p_source of the resource query string value column for the datas allocated in the page source column.

The problem i'm facing now is that, with vlookup, i am able to update datas single rows at a time. With 1000 rows and datas to update, how is it possible? for e.g. vlookup=(B6,Table_psource!$B$2:$C260,2)

This is the formula, which i dun understand why it could not update all the rows in it, but instead, only gave one.