I have the following formula that calculates a MTD total based on the date in AL3. Cells B5:AF5 contain the date range 07/01/2006 through 07/31/2006, and cells B6:AF6 contain the numbers to be summed.


I need to take this a step further and calculate a Week to Date value based on the date in AL3. The week is Monday - Sunday. So for example, if the date in AL3 is 07/21/2006 then the formula would sum the previous monday through 07/21/2006: In other words the formula would sum the values from 07/17/2006 (Monday) through 07/21/2006.

If the date is changed to, for example, 07/09 the formula would sum the values from 07/03 (Monday) through 07/09

Thanks in advance
